加入了/item命令。 pre1 加入了/perf命令。 Java版(即将到来) 1.1821w37a 加入了/jfr命令。 携带版Alpha 0.7.4 加入了对命令的支持,但尚未实现任何命令的运行。 0.16.0build 1 加入了/clearfixedinv、/clone、/deop、/execute、/fill、/gamemode、/give、/help(及其别名/?)、/kill、/list、/op、/say、/...
minecraft单机指令列表command list CommandList Stuckonacommand,confusedorjustlookingforsomethingnew?Checkouthttp://www.youtube.com/user/spcmodforasimpledemoofmostofthecommandsthismodprovides. Tobringupthecommand"console"type'T'thentypeinthecommand.Belowisabriefrunthroughofthecommandlist: achievement<list...
maxstack [ITEMID| ITEMNAME|all] [STACKSIZE] - Configures the maximum stack size of that item between 1 and 64 . mobdamage - Mobs cannot give you damage moveplayer - Moves the player the specified distance (in blocks) in the specified direction, (neswup)msg - This commands adds a mes...
See more in the Popular Commands documentation. Game Directors No /gametest [Requires the Beta APIs experiment]. Configures various parameters for managing built-in or custom gametest framework tests. Game Directors Yes /give Gives an item to a player. Game Directors Yes /help Running `/help` ...
Interested in playing with these commands in some new worlds? Check out ourbest Minecraft seedslist for a host of great spawn locations! Image credit:Shannooty What are arguments? Many commands make use ofarguments, which are bits of information that come after the command itself. For example,...
/give Gives an item to a player /help Displays a list of available commands and information about them /immutableworld Set immutable world state /kick Kick a player /kill Kill any entity /list Lists players /locate Locate the closest structure /me Displays a message /mobevent Enables or disab...
ItemListAccess: true # 进入和离开领地时的消息设置. Messaging: #玩家是否可以改变领地进出提示. CanChange: true # 这个文本是当前用户组新建领地后的默认进入信息. # 消息留空将禁用信息. DefaultEnter: Welcome %player to %residence, owned by %owner. ...
/res listall - 显示所有领地 /res limits - 显示重要的权限 /res sublist - 显示你所在领地的所有子区域 /res version - 显示插件版本 权限命令 /res gset <领地名> [群组名] [权限] [true/false/remove] - 设置某领地对于某群组的权限 /res lset <领地名> [黑名单/忽略名单] [材质] - 从某领地...
A searchable Minecraft ID list, containing all item and block IDs from the latest version of Minecraft (1.18) and lower versions (1.17, 1.16, 1.15, 1.14, 1.13, 1.12, 1.8, etc).
import{ world, EntityInventoryComponent, DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";functiongetFirstHotbarItem(log: (message:string, status?:number) =>void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation){for(constplayer of world.getAllPlayers()) {constinventory = player.getComponent(EntityInventoryComponent.component...