protected RecipeGenerator getRecipeGenerator(RegistryWrapper.WrapperLookup wrapperLookup, RecipeExporter recipeExporter) { return new RecipeGenerator(wrapperLookup, recipeExporter) { public void generate() { //可逆配方 offerReversibleCompactingRecipes(RecipeCategory.MISC, ModItems.INGOT_GA, RecipeCategory.BUILDI...
You will need one hay block and four redstone for this recipe 合成需要一个干草块和四个红石 Added to experimental gameplay until it acts consistently over all platforms 加入到实验性玩法中,直到全平台上行为正常 Mobs生物Piglins猪灵 Piglins are an aggressive civilization that live in the nether 生活在...
Iron Boots 铁靴子 Iron Chestplate 铁胸甲 Iron Golem Spawn Egg 铁傀儡刷怪蛋 Iron Helmet 铁头盔 Iron Hoe 铁锄 Iron Horse Armor 铁马铠 Iron Ingot 铁锭 Iron Leggings 铁护腿 Iron Nugget 铁粒 Iron Pickaxe 铁镐 Iron Shovel 铁锹 Iron Sword 铁剑 Item Frame 物品展示框 Jungle Boat 丛林木船 Jungle Bo...
IngredientsSmithing recipe Netherite Upgrade +Diamond Boots orDiamond Helmet orDiamond Leggings orDiamond Chestplate +Netherite Ingot Upgrade GearRepairingGrindingIngredientsGrinding recipeDescription Two matching armor pieces The durability of the two armor pieces is added together, plus an extra 5% ...
我的世界 Minecraft 图解指南说明书
Iron ingot takes second place with 35 recipes, and planks take third place with 34 recipes. To craft each recipe once, a player would need 111 sticks, including 1 for the redstone torch in an activator rail, while using the extra tripwire hook for the crossbow. This would require 56 ...
public void customRecipe() { ItemStack magicApple = new ItemStack(Material.IRON_INGOT); ItemMeta meta = magicApple.getItemMeta(); meta.setLore(Arrays.asList(new String[] { colorCode("&a&l标准货币#3382"), colorCode("&bOP专用") })); meta.setDisplayName(colorCode("&e&l秘银")); magicAp...
The crafting recipe for wooden doors creates three doors from six wood planks, hence each door uses two wood planks - the same as what would be required to block a 2 x 1 hole but with the ability to pass through with ease, and return in a hurry if there are a large number of mobs...
A simple custom recipe mod for Fabric featuring 100+ quality of life recipes to enhance your vanilla game |View Changelog Server side is supported. You can install this on the server and not need to have it installed on the client.
for material, armors in [(iron_ingot_item, [iron_helmet, iron_chestplate, iron_leggings, iron_boots])]:["###", "# #"], {'#': material}, ItemStack(armors[0].id, amount=1))["# #", "###", "###"], {'#': material}, ItemStac...