Minecraft IDis the Internal code for the spawn event that would be used in game commands. Descriptionis the description of the spawn event. Bedrock Edition (Added in)is the version of Bedrock Edition that the spawn event was first introduced. Spawn Event Example To summon an iron golem that ...
Villagers can summon an iron golem regardless of their profession (including nitwits) or latest working time. In Bedrock Edition, a golem can spawn if there are at least 20 beds and 10 villagers. All villagers in the village must have a bed, and a profession with access to the profession...
示例 /execute summon villager run damage @e[type=iron_golem,sort=nearest,limit=1] 1 generic by @s:在玩家位置上生成一名村民,并让它对距其最近的铁傀儡造成1()点普通伤害。条件子命令 条件子命令包括if和unless两种,用于测试特定类型的条件。两者的语义相反但参数结构一致,if表示“如果……就”,unless...
Adds emissive textures for Drowned, Stray, Iron Golem, Guardian & Elder Guardian, Ghast (shooting) Quivers Add-on: Adds quiver models on the backs of Skeletons and Strays Slamacow Add-on: Adds variants based on characters from Slamacow Creations, and tweaks some mobs based on the character mod...
42 iron_block 349 iron_boots 347 iron_chestplate 375 iron_door 511 iron_golem_spawn_egg 346 iron_helmet 334 iron_hoe 543 iron_horse_armor 307 iron_ingot 348 iron_leggings 581 iron_nugget 15 iron_ore 299 iron_pickaxe 298 iron_shovel 309 iron_sword 167 iron_trapdoor...
Goat horn A Goat Horn drops when a Goat rams a tree or any other hard block that occurs naturally where Goats spawn (Logs, Stone, Packed Ice, Iron Ore, Copper Ore, or Emerald Ore) Other solid blocks are unfamiliar to the Goat, so it won't ram them ...
You don’t necessarily have to go deep though: Amethyst geodes can spawn between Y-level -64 and Y-level 30. Geodes are not that hard to spot either as they're very big and often cracked, which means that you might see the faint glowing light from a distance. Keep an eye out for ...
Block of Iron 铁块 Block of Lapis Lazuli 青金石块 Block of Netherite 下界合金块 Block of Quartz 石英块 Block of Raw Copper 粗铜块 Block of Raw Gold 粗金块 Block of Raw Iron 粗铁块 Block of Redstone 红石块 Block of Stripped Bamboo 去皮竹块 ...
- PermanentItemEntities created by some items upon player's death will now spawn at y=0 if player dies further below in the Void. Also, they are now visible from up to 64 blocks away; - Technically completed soul loss mechanic. Will remain disabled, however, until implementation of in-gam...
Added iron golem healing 现可治疗铁傀儡 Added features found in other Minecraft editions 添加了其他平台上 Minecraft 的特性 Dispenser changes 发射器改动 Experience orbs now appear in the same location as loot when an entity is killed 实体死亡后的经验球现在会掉落在和战利品同样的位置了 ...