该数据包名为“InvisibleItemFrames”,将其安装到游戏存档中,可以赋予羽毛不一样的效果。此时给其命名为“invisible”,之后对着展示框使用鼠标右键,你会发现展示框突然消失。 当然,这并不意味着展示框被破坏,对准原本的位置嵌入物品,可以使对应物品“粘在”墙上。这要比以前的效果好很多,没有了边框占位置的话,墙面...
CIT材质:Ghoulcraft CITHananaCraft CITGarden Breeze CITMizuno's 16 Craft & Invisible Item Frames模组:yuushya方块小镇光影:BSL_v7.2外观参考了外网作者Croissant Cat的作品 如下 10月前·安徽 699 分享 回复 展开154条回复 杏仁芹菜.阿克曼 ... 一起建的人消失啦,独自养老 ...
🔖CIT材质:yuushyaGhoulcraft CITGarden Breeze CITMizuno's 16 Craft & Invisible Item Frames模组:yuushya方块小镇光影:BSL_v7.2 5月前·安徽 42 分享 回复 展开16条回复 yccu ... 有pcl的吗 正版来啥整合包都可以 4月前·陕西 0 分享 回复
♥invisible item frame: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/invisible-item-frames-1-14-1-15/ command-/give @s item_frame{EntityTag:{lnvisible:1}} ♥discord server -https://discord.gg/zwDprc7pfuV instagram -@ lilpielol ...
Invisible Item Frames All the fun of Item Frames with none of the brown background! Item Frames will "drink" Invisibility Potions placed in them, leaving an empty bottle and a permanently invisible item frame. Invisibility Potions will only be consumed and only if the Item Frame isn't ...
New tags for item frames 物品展示框的新标签 Invisible - makes item frame invisible (item inside frame remains visible) Invisible - 让物品展示框隐形(里面的东西依然可见) Fixed - prevents item frame from being broken and the item inside from being removed ...
Useinvisible item framesto customize the look of your vehicle to a high degree. In fact, use them to customize all kinds of builds, not just cars. The level of detail you’ll be able to add with this hack will blow your mind.
Fixed a bug where item in Item Frames could be too small in some world templates (MCPE-163399) 修复了物品展示框中的物品在某些情况下显得过小的问题(MCPE-163399) Broken and unbroken Elytra now render in-hand, in the world, and in Item Frames with the correct icon (MCPE-19700) 已损坏和未...
Resource Packs: mod_resources, vanilla, quark:emote_resources (incompatible), file/Mizunos 16 Craft JE_1.16.4-1.0.zip, file/Mizunos 16 Craft JE CIT_1.16.4_beta-1.0.zip, file/[MEGA] Ghoulcraft 10-22-20.zip (incompatible), file/invisible_item_frames_1.14.zip (incompatible) Current Langu...
Item Frames can now be placed on the floor and ceiling! 物品展示框现在可以放在地板和天花板上(方块顶部和底部)。 Added the Brown Mooshroom 加入了棕色哞菇 Forged by lightning bolts! 红色哞菇被雷劈后生成 Added abandoned Villages 加入了废弃的村庄(僵尸村庄) ...