This is my vision of the Inventory Update for Minecraft. Of features I believe are in line with Mojang's vision and could be potentially added to the game. "I press E but nothing happens" This mod needs to be installed both on the server and on the client. Installing it just on one ...
If Cloth Config is present, options can be configured either throughMod Menuor by editingconfig/inventory_control_tweaks.jsonin your instance folder (.minecraft/by default for the vanilla launcher). Key binds: • Drag matching out of inventory modifier; default:left ctrl • Drag all out of ...
Inventory Tweaks Mod for Minecraft is now officially released. Inventory Tweaks is a inventory management modification which allows you to properly adjust your items, blocks and weapons and save a lot of time.It sorts your item in 4 categories and automatically puts them in their slot when you ...
Minecraft Mod. Basic inventory tweaks designed to supplement inventory sorting mods. Modpack Permissions Downloads Contributing If you're interested in contributing to the mod, you can check outissues labelled as "help wanted". When it comes to new features, it's best to confer with me first ...
MC有没有必加mod..1、KAPPA 由于OF和Sodium不兼容,买了OF披风的我找到了这个可以显示OF披风的mod,披风和帧数可以兼得!😎😎2、OK zoomer 还是因为OF不兼容,继承并发扬了按C放大的传统,不放大看看就浑身难受,舒适的放大动画,自由调整放大倍数,薄纱望远镜😎
Enhances inventory management by adding various functions to the mouse buttons. 307.8M October 29, 2024 Mods Miscellaneous +2 View Install AppleSkin Bysqueek502 260.3M Mods Adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD 260.3M
库存分类模组1.16.5/1.15.2是一个快速、简单和轻量级的库存分拣机。只需单击“排序”按钮或中单击支持库存中的鼠标进行排序。激活方法以及排序方法(按名称、类别或模式)都是可配置的。系统支持用于编辑该配置的模式菜单。 下载地址 提取码:befi
There are currently no plans to upgrade Inventory Tweaks to Minecraft 1.13+. Due to major changes in the game code and in Forge's API, supporting the newest versions of the game would require a major mod rewrite, which the current maintainers do not have the time for. There are now viab...
6.InventoryTweaks-1.54_CN (R键整理背包)7.InputFix 支持搜索物品中文输入下载地址: 4楼2014-07-11 16:51 回复 配置低伤不起 搬运资源 11 版本:1.6.2简单整合整合内容:1.Forge内置修改器2013_07_094.NihongoMOD v1.2....
Advanced InventoryMinecraft 1.12.2 CubeX2 Requirements: Forge The Advanced Inventory Mod gives you many customizations for your inventory adding both more space and more functionality. There are 6 upgrades that each unlock a new slot. You can simply craft the emerald upgrade to unlock all slots ...