在Reddit最近因其有争议的计费变更而受到打击之后,Minecraft开发者已经决定退出该平台。 “Reddit管理层最近引入了一些变化,这些变化导致许多子版块的规则和管理发生了变化,”Mojang Studios的技术负责人在周二发布在r/Minecraft Reddit社区中的帖子中写道。Mojang Studios是微软旗下的Minecraft背后的公司。“由于这些变化,我...
Minecraft是一款沙盒类电子游戏,中国版官方译为《我的世界》[5],又称《当个创世神》,开创者为马库斯·泊松(Notch)。游戏现由Mojang Studios维护,隶属于微软Xbox游戏工作室。 自开创伊始到延斯·伯根斯坦(Jeb)加入并负责开发之前,Minecraft几乎全部的开发工作由Notc
... thatpillagersandcrossbowswere inspired byMinecraft Dungeons, even though they were added in the base game first? ... thatdeep darkbiomes are more likely to be found beneath mountainous areas? ... that the old texture forcobblestoneis taken fromNotch's unfinished gameRubyDung?
地獄幽靈(Ghast)是地獄一種會向玩家發射火球的巨大浮空生物。它是遊戲中自然生成的第二大生物,僅次於終界龍。 地獄幽靈只有在其下方是固體方塊,並且擁有5×4×5[僅Java版]或4×4×4[僅基岩版]的空間時才會自然生成。地獄幽靈只能夠生成在地獄中的地獄荒原、靈魂砂谷和玄
AMinecraft Redditortook this idea and ran with it. People in worlds together have often fought over anything they might have needed, especially diamonds. They decided to animate a hilarious battle over a diamond between Steve and Alex, the game's two protagonists. What resulted was a hilarious...
本文叙述了如何在 Linux 服务器上通过完全命令行交互的方式配置基于 Minecraft 1.21.1 版本的 Fabric 服务器,交代了环境配置流程,以及服务端文件、模组文件的下载方法,给出了命令行操作方式以及完整的游戏启动脚本。
Reddit 施压抗议 Mod,Minecraft 开发者宣布退出 Subreddit 您的赞赏是对我们的鼓励,We’ll be more solid with your donations.
【reddit】有人知道怎么在reddit上发帖子吗 只看楼主收藏回复 璀璨ck 末影水晶 13 送TA礼物 1楼2016-01-31 15:14回复 璀璨ck 末影水晶 13 打了验证码之后该干什么... 2楼2016-01-31 15:14 回复 璀璨ck 末影水晶 13 大召唤术 出现吧ufo 3楼2016-01-31 15:14 回复 璀璨ck 末影水晶 ...
这位玩家的名字是斯雷顿(Christopher Slayton),是Minecraft的长期爱好者。他花费将近2个月的时间,在游戏世界里成功地重现包含地球在内的太阳系、新星云、超星系团(super cluster)还有黑洞,也就是整个已知的银河系。视频为斯雷顿用Minecraft打造的宇宙完成品,发布于Reddit论坛上。宇宙竟然如此浩瀚无垠……斯雷顿...
OBS causes screen tearing in Minecraft. Hey, guys. I saw another post like this from a few years ago, but there wasn't a marked solution. Maybe after three years, I wondered if someone would've found an answer. Here's the problem: I record videos on Minecraft Java Edition. I have ...