etc.旁观者不会播送自己发出的声音,如脚步声,攀爬声,水花声等等Player's insomnia timer stops ticki...
/disasters mintimer <world> <seconds>-sets the minimum time in seconds for a natural disaster to have a chance of occurring in the given world, default is 90 (Very difficult!). /disasters <enable | disable> <randomdisasters | maxlevels | disaster | eventmsg> <world>- toggle all disasters...
Timer – change the world speed (not tick speed) AntiCactus – Prevents cactus damage AntiHoney – Prevent honey block slowdown in 1.15 AntiBerryBush – Prevents taking damage from sweet berry bushes **Experimental Mods: AutoCrawl – Crawl BlockESP – Draws an outline around selected blocks Downl...
The Timer Mod for Minecraft Speedrunning Features Display RTA/IGT timers In-game Auto Start & Pause the timer Supported 20+ categories! You can make your category! Configurable timer position, scale and color Custom font in timer Many configurable options APIs for developers Some of anti-cheat...
solutions in-game. Then, you can alsoinstall Optifine in Minecraftto improve in-game performance for quicker block placement to reduce fall damage. So now, you can explore the highest of cliffs and structures in thebest Minecraft 1.18 mountain seedswith no worries of fall damage. Happy ...
The durations and cooldowns of “behavior.timer_flag_1,”“behavior.timer_flag_2,” and “behavior.timer_flag_3” are now correctly randomized on both start and stop, rather than only on spawn behavior.timer_flag_1、behavior.timer_flag_2 和 behavior.timer_flag_3 的时长及冷却时长会在开始...
minecraft:timer(opens new window)计时器minecraft:timer添加一个在结束时会触发事件的计时器。 minecraft:trade_table(opens new window)交易表minecraft:trade_table定义实体与玩家交易的能力。 minecraft:trail(opens new window)拖尾minecraft:trail可以使实体在世界中移动时留下一列拖尾方块。
MC-268804- Wolves attacked while wearing wolf armor resets eating timer despite being at full health MC-268804- 尽管生命值为满,在狼攻击时为其穿上狼铠仍会重置喂食计数器 MC-268810- Ctrl+Picking chests still says (+NBT) even though NBT is replaced by components ...
HSR 3.1 Release Date and Time (Countdown Timer) Sanmay Chakrabarti How to Get and Use Enchant Relics in Fisch Bipradeep Biswas How to Fix Fortnite Matchmaking Error #1 Ishan Adhikary Assassin's Creed Shadows Leaks a Month Before Launch Upanishad Sharma Trending...
3. As said in rule 2 when giving credit. Please link to this MCPEDL page and not the direct mediafire link. Thanks. Select version for changelog: Changelog -Added a new game mode -Changed description text -Added TNT Mode! Everytime you jump, TNT spawns in a cross shape. ...