实用村民MOD是这个游戏有趣的添加,它给我提供的不只是一个村子。通常当你找到一个村子时,这可能是你建城的一个好起点,并且你可以用它来做交易,但在香草世界里,村子到最后都很普通。而这款MOD里你可以给你的村民分配职业和技能以便让他们能自己生活。 想要给你的村民提供工作,主要的一个地方就是商会大厦。它可...
Helpful Villagers Mod 1.20.5 – 1.19.4is neatly crafted and designed in a very sophisticated manner. The functionality of this tool is really simple that it adds some Non playing characters similar to the Custom NPCs modification. Those characters are named as the villagers which are helpful in...
Easy Villagers Mod (1.20.5 - 1.19.4) is an astonishing creation that allows you to put the villager in a jar and assign different tasks to them.
聪明的村民设置有关设置说明,请参见与您所使用的IDE相关的。执照该模板在CC0许可下可用。 随时学习它,并将其合并到您自己的项目中。
On top of all the other features, the Improved Mobs mod also makes it so that mobs can target villagers who have absolutely nothing to do with them, and that’ll make things a lot harder for you because you’ll also have to protect the villagers who are being attacked while simultaneously...
For ops there are also some commands all under the same base command /improvedmobs. With the config its also possible to finetune all values and toggle on/off features. This mod is compatible with the difficulty system from scaling health. If scaling health is present their system will be ...
Villagers in Minecraftcan be quite a big pain to deal with. They are prone to jumping off edges and randomly killing themselves, cannot be easily moved around, and don’t want to make it easy for you to get the trades that you want. Easy Villagers mod helps you tremendously with them....
they can possibly be as far as vanilla Minecraft goes and then going beyond, to make them even better. If you’re a fan of villages, or trading with villagers, or having a nice house to move into without being forced to build anything, then you are going to absolutely love this mod....
You can send me mods on dc or curseforge or even in the comments, I will check all sent mods but I cannot guarantee that they will appear in my modpack, THEY MUST BE ON CURSE FORGE I DO NOT ACCEPT MODS THAT ARE NOT ON CURSE FORGE ...
这个mod名为“Minecraft Villagers”,将Minecraft村民添加到了Stellaris游戏中。村民有动画效果,还有巨像。作者可能会在未来添加更多内容。欢迎使用! 感谢TTFTCUTS提供的用于这个mod的着色器。 作者有一个Discord服务器! https://discord.gg/sS4qNtdx9R