Porting this to another Modloader: No, it's not happening. Immersive Engineering is deeply ingrained in the structures set out by Forge and continued by NeoForge. We're not porting to Fabric, Quilt or similar projects. The reasons for this are multiple, but most importantly: This is a hob...
ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.4-9.4.1-168 Release R 1.19.4 Forge Oct 3, 2023 ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.3-9.3.0-163 Release R 1.19.3 Forge Mar 1, 2023 ImmersiveEngineering-1.19.2-9.2.4-170 Release R 1.19.2 Forge Mar 30, 2024 Report
Ever since redstone was introduced to Minecraft, players have been wanting to build bigger and better machines in the game. Being able to automate everything has become a popular pastime for redstone engineers. Immersive Engineering augments this aspect of the game by adding many new machines and...
Instead of a Laser that turns power into magical light and ores, it offers an Excavator, another massive, resource intensive, multiblock (3x7x8) which digs ores out of the ground with a big rotating bucketwheel. IE is about making tech mods more balanced and more pretty, and adding its ...
Смазкуможноиспользоватьв , и . <&lubricant1>Контейнердлясмазкиможноиспользоватьдляручногонанесениясмазкинамашину. Наиболееэффективнанефтяная...
Immersive Engineering ✔ 1.7.10 1.10.2 1.12.2 - IndustrialCraft ✔ 1.7.10 1.10.2 1.12.2 - + TeslaCoreLib ✔ - 1.10.2 1.12.2 - + + Forgelin ✔ - 1.10.2 1.12.2 - LootBags ✖ 1.7.10 1.10.2 1.12.2 - Lycanites Mobs ✖ 1.7.10 1.10.2 1.12.2 1.14.4 Mekanism ✔ 1.7...
Immersive Engineering: The modpack heavily focuses on theImmersive Engineeringmod, which introduces a wide range of technological elements and machines. Players can utilize waterwheels, windmills, an excavator with a large rotating bucket wheel, hanging powerlines, diesel generators and handheld mining ...
immersiveengineering { # Excavators will dig veins after IE deposit depletion. B:allow_ie_excavator_to_dig_veins=false # Generation of additional deposits of Immersive Engineering at vien chunk B:generate_ie_deposits_at_vein_chunk=false # IMPORTANT! This will disable regular vein generation config...
New Vein: Alluvial Sift, only found in river biomes, this allows the excavator to mine for diamonds New Vein: Rich Auricupride, only found in mesa biomes, high in gold and some copper Changed Pentlandite to be primarily a nickel vein since its essential for IE's mid- and lategame archit...
New ore deposits for the Immersive Engineering Excavator Nuclear Craft's vein Osmium vein (Core Sample texture can be glitched) Added recycling for: 6 Quark Crystals Mystical Agriculture Water Cans Myrmex Resin and Cocoons (output TE Resin) Slime Vines, Grass and Saplings Minotaur Axes Twili...