minecraft:chain_command_block 连锁型命令方块 minecraft:frosted_ice 霜冰 minecraft:structure_block 结构方块 minecraft:iron_shovel 铁锹 minecraft:iron_pickaxe 铁镐 minecraft:iron_axe 铁斧 minecraft:flint_and_steel 打火石 minecraft:apple 苹果 minecraft:bow 弓 minecraft:arrow 箭 minecraft:coal 煤炭 minecraf...
File Name iceandfire-2.0.0.jar Supported Versions 1.15.2 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects -Updated mod to 1.15.2 version of Minecraft -Added lightning dragons, new nocturnal dragons that spawn in savannas, jungles and mesas -Added lightning dragonsteel block, items, tools and armor -...
Open Parties and Claims (by xaero96) OpenBlocks Elevator (by vsngarcia) Overloaded Armor Bar (by tfarecnim) Paragliders (by Tictim) Pastel Shaders (by ElocinDev) Patchouli (by Vazkii) Pineapple Delight (by AmarokIce) Pipez (by henkelmax) Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire) Plasmo Voice (by...
Ice and Fire: Dragons features over 40.2 million downloads and spans from version 1.10.2 to 1.16.5 at the time of writing. The mod is owned bysbom_xela, authored byjavaraptor, and hasTheBv_as a contributor. Whether you are a dragon hunter or tamer, Ice and Fire aims to bring a rev...
Dragon Wall Head 墙上的龙首 Dried Kelp Block 干海带块 Dripstone Block 滴水石块 Dropper 投掷器 Dye 染料 Dyed Bed 染色床 Dyed Carpet 染色地毯 Dyed Shulker Box 染色潜影盒 Dyed Terracotta 染色陶瓦 Dyed Wool 染色羊毛 Emerald Ore 绿宝石矿石
(灵魂火把Soul Fire Torch ) 盔甲架Armor Stand 龙蛋Dragon Egg 末地传送门框架End Portal Frame 末地烛End Rod 黏液块Slime Block 旗帜Banner 染色玻璃板Stained Glass Pane 梯子Ladder 铁栏杆Iron Bars 物品展示框Item Frame 橡树树叶Oak Leaves- (云杉树叶Spruce Leaves ...
Elemental Items is a mod that adds a bunch of strong weapons, tools, and armor to Minecraft. Most of the items have an obvious link to a corresponding element (Fire, Ice, Water, Nature, Earth, and Air), while others are based off of a purely Minecraftian concept (such as Ender). On...
ice, forge:ores/zinc, forge:ores/netherite_scrap, minecraft:dragon_immune, minecraft:crops, forge:stained_glass, forge:glass/pink, forge:chests, forge:storage_blocks/emerald, forge:ores/redstone, tconstruct:harvestable, tconstruct:foundry/floor, tconstruct:foundry/tanks, minecraft:warped_stems, ...
23、aft:beetroot_seeds甜菜种子图标DecHex名称方块208D0minecraft:grass_path草径209D1minecraft:end_gateway末地折跃门方块210D2minecraft:repeating_command_block循环型命令方块 E211D3minecraft:chain_command_block连锁型命令方块 E212D4minecraft:frosted_ice霜冰 S255FFminecraft:structure_block结构方块物品ID4所有的...
122 Dragon Egg(minecraft:dragon_egg) 123 Redstone Lamp (inactive)(minecraft:redstone_lamp) 124 Redstone Lamp (active)(minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp) 125 Double Oak Wood Slab(minecraft:double_wooden_slab) 125:1 Double Spruce Wood Slab(minecraft:double_wooden_slab) 125:2 Double Birch Wood Slab...