Once the cheat has been entered, the villager will spawn and appear in your world: You will see the message "Summoned new Villager" appear in the lower left corner of the game window to indicate that the villager has been summoned. You may need to look behind you to see it. Congratulati...
/summon zombie_villagerType the command in the chat window. As you are typing, you will see the command appear in the lower left corner of the game window. Press the Enter key to run the command.Once the cheat has been entered, the zombie villager will spawn and appear in your world:...
示例 /execute summon villager run damage @e[type=iron_golem,sort=nearest,limit=1] 1 generic by @s:在玩家位置上生成一名村民,并让它对距其最近的铁傀儡造成1()点普通伤害。条件子命令 条件子命令包括if和unless两种,用于测试特定类型的条件。两者的语义相反但参数结构一致,if表示“如果……就”,unless...
修复多人游戏下发光鱿鱼被攻击后只会在攻击者界面上停止发光的问题 Villagers spawned from villager spawners on Marketplace worlds that were created after version 1.11 now correctly spawn as V2 villagers 修复1.11后创建的市场存档中,村民刷怪蛋生成的村民不会生成为V2版本的问题 ...
{ MinecraftEffectTypes } from '@minecraft/vanilla-data'; function spawnPoisonedVillager(location: DimensionLocation) { const villagerType = 'minecraft:villager_v2<minecraft:ageable_grow_up>'; const villager = location.dimension.spawnEntity(villagerType, location); const duration = 20; villager.add...
Please keep in mind that these features are work in progress, still under in development, and subject to change. If you activate them, your world might crash, break, or not work with future updates. Experimental features cannot be turned off after world creation. ...
/spawnpoint为玩家设置出生点。 /spreadplayers将实体传送到随机位置。 /stopsound 停止音效。 /summon 生成实体。 /tag 修改玩家或实体的标签。 /teleport /tp的替代命令,传送实体。 /tell 向另一玩家发送私信。 /tellraw向玩家显示JSON消息。 /testfor 统计符合给定条件的实体。 /testforblock测定某...
454 villager_spawn_egg 480 vindicator_spawn_egg 106 vine 177 wall_banner 68 wall_sign 498 wandering_trader_spawn_egg 701 ward_armor_trim_smithing_template 648 warden_spawn_egg -261 warped_button 633 warped_door -267 warped_double_slab -257 warped_fence -259 warped_fence_ga...
Spectators do not spawn any mobs 旁观模式玩家不能生成任何生物 Non-persistent mobs around spectators ...
Improvements to the Open to LAN screen 改进了“对局域网开放”页面 The Realms News button will ...