我的世界耐久度显示(Durability Show)Mod4318 2020-10-13 13:39:29 文章分类: MOD· 新物品Mod 耐久度显示,可以显示双持的耐久度,精美极了,按H有隐藏或呼出动。 图片: 下载地址 点此下载 适用版本:1.12 1.11.2 1.11 1.10.2 1.10 1.9.4 1.8.9 1.7.10...
showDurabilityBar(stack); } 代码示例来源:origin: SquidDev-CC/plethora @Nonnull @Override public Map<Object, Object> getMeta(@Nonnull ItemStack stack) { if (stack.isEmpty()) return Collections.emptyMap(); HashMap<Object, Object> data = new HashMap<>(); fillBasicMeta(data, stack); String...
Custom items with 'minecraft:durability' and 'minecraft:repairable' can be combined to repair them without requiring a custom item entry 现在有 minecraft:durability 和 minecraft:repairable 的自定义物品可以一并修复而无须自定义物品条目 Items with the Entity Placer item component will now successfully cr...
How many times the server ticks per second of real time. Type: number Objects system static read-only system: System; A class that provides system-level events and functions. Type: System world static read-only world: World; A class that wraps the state of a world - a set of dimensions...
Bone Meal now can’t be used on Torchflowers to spawn other flowers 骨粉现在不能够使用在火把花...
The number of bites taken from the cake. State value Blocks Integer (0 to 6) Cake bottomWhether this scaffolding is floating (shows the bottom). State value Blocks Boolean (false or true) Scaffolding chargesTracks the remaining uses of respawn anchors. ...
Hovering this Craft All button will show number of items obtained after craft all, and items remaining after craft all. Moved Creative/Recipe Book category toggle to the left side of the screen, looks similar to the recipe book design on Java Edition....
The Durability Show Mod for Minecraft can be summed up in three words; simple, straightforward and effective. This is an excellent mod that adds a really
DurabilityDurability represents how long the item will last. For tools, weapons and transportation, durability is the number of useful actions before the item is destroyed. For armor items, durability is the number of hits (that can be blocked by armor) before the item is destroyed. So the ...
Durability represents how long the item will last. For tools, weapons and transportation, durability is the number of useful actions before the item is destroyed. For armor items, durability is the number of hits (that can be blocked by armor) before the item is destroyed. So the higher ...