Many players tend to focus on the best-enchanted swords for combat, often overlooking the immense potential of ranged weapons with the right enchantments. The game features two primary ranged options: the trusty Bow and the formidable Crossbow, the latter dealing higher damage and introducing new e...
which isn’t hidden by the shield, vulnerable. Moreover, each attack reduces the durability of the shield. So, unless you repair it with an anvil, it’s going to break leaving you unsafe.
We have added the ability to repair items (like bow or crossbow) with an anvil. Re-balanced economy of boxes and items. Completely new system of cases. New, totally rebuilt items shop. Over 60 bug fixes. Here are the most important of these: The portal will no longer close when we di...
You can add the Mending enchantment to any pickaxe, shovel, axe, hoe, fishing rod, carrot on a stick, shears, helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots, shield, elytra, sword, trident, bow, or crossbow using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command. The maximum level for the Mending enchant...
While Unbreaking prevents your items from losing durability, Mending helps repair them. Its primary purpose is to replenish your gear's durability by absorbing the XP dropped from each mob. This means you'll never need to use resources to repair your tools as you would when using an Anvil. ...
How to Use? Once you have successfully acquired mending you can use an anvil to combine it into an item. If you happen to find it on a weapon, tool, or armor piece you can use the anvil to combine the two. Play around with the ordering in the anvil to ensure that you spend the ...
- Fixed bug where players bearing Ring of the Seven Curses were able to deal full damage to monsters when using crossbow with Sharpshooter enchantment; - Enigmatic Amulet that player receives when entring the world for the first time will now have randomly chosen one out of seven possible color...
Anvil 铁砧 Attached Melon Stem 结果的西瓜茎 Attached Pumpkin Stem 结果的南瓜茎 Azalea 杜鹃花丛 Azalea Leaves 杜鹃树叶 Azure Bluet 蓝花美耳草 Bamboo 竹子 Bamboo Button 竹按钮 Bamboo Door 竹门 Bamboo Fence 竹栅栏 Bamboo Fence Gate 竹栅栏门
Both options will drop a lot of experience at once, allowing your equipment to be repaired much faster than any other method. Just make sure that you are either using the item you want to repair or holding it in your left hand while using another item to gather the experience orbs. ...
- Fixed bug where players bearing Ring of the Seven Curses were able to deal full damage to monsters when using crossbow with Sharpshooter enchantment; - Enigmatic Amulet that player receives when entring the world for the first time will now have randomly chosen one out of seven possible color...