紫颂花(Chorus flower)是一种生成在末地的植物。它们生长在紫颂植株上。 紫颂花可以生长,生成更多的紫颂花。 紫颂花自然生成在末地外岛,长在紫颂树的顶部。 紫颂花的物品形式只能通过破坏紫颂花获得。 挖掘紫颂花的合适工具是斧和剑。 Lua错误 在Module:Breaking_table
minecraft:chorus_flower minecraft:chorus_plant minecraft:clay minecraft:client_request_placeholder_block minecraft:closed_eyeblossom minecraft:coal_block minecraft:coal_ore minecraft:coarse_dirt minecraft:cobbled_deepslate minecraft:cobbled_deepslate_double_slab minecraft:cobbled_deepslate_slab minecraft:cobbled...
The end highlands is a biome covering the higher parts of each of the outer end islands. It allows chorus trees to generate, as well as the end cities. Also, after raiding one of these structures, and making your firstshulker boxes, you can use the nearby end gateway to return to the ...
tile.red_flower.lilyOfTheValley.name Two-high flowers double_plant 175 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3] tile.double_plant.sunflower.nametile.double_plant.syringa.nametile.double_plant.rose.nametile.double_plant.paeonia.name Torchflower torchflower -568 Block & Giveable Item[i 2]...
Chorus Flower 紫颂花 Chorus Plant 紫颂植株 Clay 黏土 Coal Ore 煤矿石 Coarse Dirt 砂土 Cobbled Deepslate 深板岩圆石 Cobbled Deepslate Slab 深板岩圆石台阶 Cobbled Deepslate Stairs 深板岩圆石楼梯 Cobbled Deepslate Wall 深板岩圆石墙 Cobblestone 圆石 ...
Chorus Flower Chorus Plant Tripwire Hook Assigned stone sounds to: Lever Repeater Comparator Beacon Assigned coral sounds to: Corals Coral Blocks Coral Fans Assigned nether brick sounds to: Chiseled Nether Bricks Cracked Nether Bricks Assigned nether ore sounds to Gilded Blackstone ...
Planks are common blocks used as building blocks and in crafting recipes. They are one of the first things that a player can craft in Survival and Adventure modes. There are eleven variants of planks, which can be differentiated into three categories: Ov
The End is also known for its unique block, Chorus Plant, which can be found in abundant quantities. Chorus Plants are tall, purple plants that grow on End Stone, and their flowers can be harvested to create End Rods for lighting and decoration. Upon completing their adventures in The End...
Hanging Signs and other blocks can now be attached to Anvil (bottom), Chorus Flower (bottom), Mob Spawner (sides, and bottom), Grindstone (bottom when the Grindstone is hanging), Daylight Sensor (bottom), and Turtle Egg (bottom). Hanging Signs and other blocks can no longer ...
However, you cannot use bone meal on every plant block. The ones unaffected by bone meal are: Cactus Vines Nether wart Sugar cane(on Java edition only, it’s possible to bone meal sugar cane on Bedrock) Chorus plants 2. Make a Bone Block ...