tickspeed1.0for minecraft1.10.0发布!命令:/tickspeed [frequency] [mode]frequency代表每秒钟tick的数量。原版为20。请输入1到1000之内的数字!为了玩家更好操作,新添了mode这个选项。它决定将改变应用于哪些地方。当输入0时,将tickspeed的更改应用于服务端与所有的客户端。当输入1时,将更改应用于本地的客户端当...
randomTick..1.8加入的,改变每秒随机刻发生次数,默认是3。可以设置更高,设置为0停止随机刻/gamerule randomTickSpeed #调高可以加速作物生长,树的生长,草地的蔓延,下界传送门生成僵尸猪人
几乎所有的游戏(包括Minecraft)都是由一个大的程序循环驱动的。正如时钟中的每个齿轮都与钟摆同步一样,驱动游戏仿真所涉及的每个任务都与游戏循环相同步。相称地,游戏循环的一个周期被称之为一刻(tick)。 Minecraft的绝大多数运算在一个大循环内执行,执行了一次这个
Before changing the tick speed of your Minecraft world, regardless of edition, you must enable cheats in Minecraft or become a Minecraft operator. This is required since it’s considered cheating, as it alters how natural events occur in-game. Once you’re starting to edit ticks, make sure ...
Potions colors have been adjusted to make different types of potions more distinguishable 对药水颜色做出调整,以提升辨识度 Potions no longer have an enchantment glint due to it obscuring the color of the potion contents 取消了药水的附魔光效,因为它影响药水颜色的判断 Enchantment glint on items and arm...
When added, this move control causes the mob to sway side to side giving the impression it is swimming. Properties swayAmplitude read-only swayAmplitude: number; Amplitude of the sway motion. Type:number Notes: This property can throw errors when used. ...
on the center block, you need to place your beacon to activate it. A basic pyramid gives you speed and haste boosts. A speed boost helps the player walk faster, while haste lets you mine faster. As a combination, they help you quickly mine everything else you need for the next level ...
Represents the flying speed of an entity. Properties value value: number; Current value of the flying speed of the associated entity. Type:number Notes: This property can't be edited in read-only mode. Constants componentId static read-only componentId = "minecraft:flying_speed"; ...
getFlowSpeed:流体流动速度 getLevelDecreasePerBlock:水返回 1,熔岩在主世界时返回 2 并且在下界时返回 1 getTickRate:水返回 5,熔岩在主世界时返回 30 并且在下界时返回 10 getBlastResistance:爆炸抗性,水和熔岩都是 100 publicabstractclassAwesomeFluidextendsFlowableFluid{@OverridepublicbooleanmatchesType(Fluid...