对于在Minecraft中输入地形指令找不到任何结构的问题,请确保你正在正确使用指令并设置了正确的参数。例如,如果你希望显示村庄,可以使用“/locate Village”。如果你希望显示神庙,可以使用“/locate Temple”。有时候在特定的地图或游戏模式下可能会出现找不到结构的情况,这可能是因为该结构在该地图或模式中不存在。你还...
/gamemode 0生存/gamemode 1创造/gamemode 2冒险/locate village村庄/locate stronghold要塞/locate temple遗迹/locate fortress地狱堡/locate pillageroutpost前哨塔/locate monument海洋神殿/locate mansion林地府邸/locate mineshaft废弃矿井/locate endcity末地城记住@p是给予附近玩家,@a是给予全部玩家,@s是给予自己,@r是...
The other way to easily find a village is by typing in the following console command: /locate Village Doing so will show you the nearest village’s coordinates on-screen, which you can follow to the exact location of it. Again, this will be different for each world. If you’re having ...
these mangrove tree roots. They’re all tangled up! What do you mean they’re supposed to be...
command to find the coordinates of the nearest warm ocean biome. For example, type /locatebiome minecraft:warm_ocean and press Enter. The game will display the coordinates of the nearest warm ocean biome in the chat window. You can then use the /tp command to teleport to those coordinates....
In a world where cheats are turned on, you can use the following command to locate the nearest Cherry Grove biome: /locate biome minecraft:cherry_grove Executing this command in your chatbox will reveal the coordinates to the closest Cherry Grove in your world. Then, you can either walk up...
Minecraft is theTrial Chambers, which are always located under the ground and thus difficult to locate. This seed will bring you four such chambers very close to your spawn location. So, once ready with at least a full iron gear, head straight to the given coordinates and loot the ...
If you want touse a command to find a Woodland Mansion, type/locate structure mansioninto the chat box to reveal thecoordinatesof the closest one. If you want totrack down a Woodland Mansion without cheats, find a village with aCartographeror make one yourself by placing aCartography Tablenea...
扩展了 '/locate' 命令的功能,现在可以定位结构及生物群系了 The Trader Llama now has its own ...
Some commands pair really well with teleporting. For example, the “/locate village” command will give you the coordinate of the nearest village so you can teleport right to it. You can create command blocks with specific teleport capabilities, but only in the Java edition and similar versions...