Q. What is the easiest way to get Mending in Minecraft? Get a librarian profession villager and reset its profession until the first level trade offers mending books. This is by far the most consistent way to gain mending for all of your tools. ...
If you don’t get the desired enchantment (in this case, a Mending book) from trading with the villager, you can break and replace its lectern to reset it. Enchanted books can be pretty hard to come by from raiding and treasure hunting, so we recommend Minecraft playerstry the librarian ...
A desert villager and a plains villager gossiping.GossipingVillagers can store certain memories about players in the form of gossip. These get spread to other villagers whenever they talk with each other. Each piece of gossip is one of five types, and it stores a value as well as a target...
How do you make a villager a Leatherworker? Placing a cauldron next to an unemployed villager willtransform it into a leatherworker. Conversely, breaking a villager's job block will eliminate their profession. How do you tame and ride a llama in Minecraft? How to Tame and Ride Llamas in M...
The easiest way to take advantage of Mending is to either build a mob farm or mine a lot of Sculk. Both options will drop a lot of experience at once, allowing your equipment to be repaired much faster than any other method. Just make sure that you are either using the item you want...
If you're trying to create your own village, the grindstone is the weaponsmith's job site block. You can place one in your village and an unemployed villager will turn into a weaponsmith. A rather useful profession, once it reaches Expert or Master level it will trade diamond axes and dia...
you enchant. When an item is enchanted with Unbreaking, it has a chance to avoid losing durability every time you use it. This greatly increases the lifespan of any item that is enchanted with it. When paired with Mending, you'll never need to replace your weapons, tools, or armor ...
Mending and Infinity:Allows the Infinity Enchantment to be combined with Mending Infinity Affects All Arrows:Allows the Infinity Enchantment to apply to all arrows (e.g. Tipped Arrows) Breakable Bedrock:Allows customizable mining of bedrock
enable: false log-removals: true max-tile-entities-per-chunk: 100 check-period-in-ticks: 20 villager-limit: enable: false max-villagers-per-chunk: 25 log-removals: false # Check all chunks every x ticks. check-period-in-ticks: 600 # Professions that are in the top of the list are g...
Updated June 4, 2023, by Sean Murray:They might not be particularly interesting, but potatoes are nutritious and easy to farm. That's why we've refreshed this guide with improved formatting so it's easier to learn how to get potatoes in Minecraft. ...