Explore underwater ruins to find its eggs hidden away in chests, bring them up to the surface, and hatch your very own baby sniffer. When the sniffer grows up, it will help you find ancient seeds that you can grow into different decorative plants. Since the sniffer was once extinct, you...
Let's explore how to make the product called Underwater Torch.TIP: To enable the Education Edition chemistry features in Bedrock Edition, toggle the Education Edition option in your world settings. Because Education gameplay may break your world, the game will make a copy of your world starting...
Axolotls help fight all aquatic mobs in Minecraft except some sea creatures like frogs, turtles, dolphins, and other axolotls, so they make great companions to explore underwater. They can regenerate limbs with traits such as Regeneration I, which allows them to sustain damage, play dead, and ...
A sponge has the ability to absorb water from a specific location, i.e., within a seven-block radius of itself, and create a dry space underwater. As it turns into a wet sponge, you can smelt it in a furnace to revert it to its initial condition. You can find sponges in ocean mo...
From a small fish tank inside your home to a major building in and of itself, the options are limitless. As you enter more endgame content and can explore underwater areas more comfortably, you’ll have more and more opportunities to meet (and subsequently catch) different fish that you ca...
🌊 Underwater 🎯 Variety Carrier Takeover Map1.8.9 Heated battles on the high seas are an interesting part of Minecraft, The use of boats and TNT cannons makes the battles pretty fun if not far from realistic – really, no cannon ball ever exploded the entire side of a cruise ship qu...
Respiration:Allows you to breathe underwater longer by 15 seconds per enchantment level. It also gives you the chance to not take drowning damage each second. You'll need it for longer underwater tasks like exploring caves and excavating ocean ruins. ...
Explore underwater ruins to find its eggs hidden away in chests, bring them up to the surface, and hatch your very own baby sniffer. When the sniffer grows up, it will help you find ancient seeds that you can grow into different decorative plants. Since the sniffer was once extinct, you...
Minecraft maps, world save games and map reviews. Explore and download the most epic Minecraft maps and save games.
6. Underwater Mob Arena Unless you know how to make aPotion of Water Breathing, chances are that you haven’t explored the underwater Minecraft world enough. Fortunately, this map is here to change that. Based underwater, the mapgives us 20 waves of enemies with increasing difficulties. You...