Sharpness is one of the available enchantments in Minecraft, and though it is limited to only level 5, you can bypass the limit with ease, and we will explain how. How to Get Sharpness Level 1000 in Minecraft Bedrock There are a few steps to follow so you can reach Sharpness level 1000...
Minecraft Bedrock Stable APIs Behavior Pack JSON Files Resource Pack JSON Files Molang Default Minecraft Listings Raw Message JSON Version Disambiguation Best Practices & Tips Contribute 下載PDF 閱讀英文 儲存 新增至集合 新增至計劃 共用方式為 Facebookx.comLinkedIn電子郵件 ...
Sends a message to all players. Parameters message: (RawMessage|string)[] |RawMessage|string The message to be displayed. Notes: This function can throw errors. This method can throw if the provided@minecraft/server.RawMessageis in an invalid format. For example, if an emptynamestring is provi...
Enchant+ for minecraft bedrock edition 1.21.50 support new api ,for more info contact me on my discord or see the tutorial on how to use it in my channel - DeathAruban/Enchant-MCBE
Sets a specified property to a value. Parameters identifier:string The property identifier. value?:boolean|number|string|Vector3=null Data value of the property to set. Notes: This function can throw errors. ThrowsError,InvalidContainerSlotError ...
Checks to see if the permutation has a specific tag. Parameters tag:string Returnsboolean- Returnstrueif the permutation has the tag, elsefalse. Examples checkBlockTags.ts TypeScript import{ DimensionLocation }from"@minecraft/server";functioncheckBlockTags(log: (message:string, status?:number) =>...
Contains the combination of type @minecraft/server.BlockType and properties (also sometimes called block state) which describe a block (but does not belong to a specific @minecraft/server.Block).ExamplesaddTranslatedSign.tsTypeScript 複製 import...
resetLevel(): void Resets the level of the player. Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors. sendMessage sendMessage(message: (RawMessage | string)[] | RawMessage | string): void Sends a message to the player. ...
Returns the @minecraft/server.Block to the east of this block (positive in the X direction).Parameterssteps?: number = 1 Number of steps to the east to step before returning.Returns Block | undefinedNotes:This function can throw errors. Throws LocationInUnloadedChunkError, LocationOutOfWorld...
Additional options that can be used to filter the set of players returned. ReturnsPlayer[] - A player array. Notes: This function can throw errors. Throws if the provided EntityQueryOptions are invalid. getTimeOfDay getTimeOfDay(): number ...