E. Quality > Antialiasing: OFF 品质>抗锯齿:关 F. Quality > Connected Textures: OFF 品质>连接纹理:关2.为减小整合包体积,未包含音频文件,游戏时会自动下载。3.所有mod都是原版文件,都未经过汉化,但不会影响游戏 送TA礼物 1楼2013-02-04 12:44回复 l...
这个Mod相当于Optifine的CTM支持:Metadata(1.8后Optifine的CTM所移除特性)Model CTM(模型也可以CTM!)Extra Data(位置的特殊连接((例如方块检测))、多贴图堆叠CTM)Wiki:githu b.com/Chisel-Team/ConnectedTexturesMod/wiki两张Extra Data的对比,充分体现了Extra Data的强大 送TA礼物 1楼2017-08-29 21:18回复 ...
我的世界1.21.2-1.20.6 Clear Glass with Connected Textures 材质包下载 2024年12月24日材质包0 去掉玻璃和冰纹理中那些讨厌的条纹,让视野前所未有的清晰! 大家好!制作这个资源包的灵感来自于我在网上寻找一个简单、清晰的玻璃材质包时的经历。我发现类似的材质包很多,但它们总有点不对劲。有些使用了错误的颜...
我的世界1.21.2-1.20.6 Clear Glass with Connected Textures 材质包下载 2024年12月24日材质包0 去掉玻璃和冰纹理中那些讨厌的条纹,让视野前所未有的清晰! 大家好!制作这个资源包的灵感来自于我在网上寻找一个简单、清晰的玻璃材质包时的经历。我发现类似的材质包很多,但它们总有点不对劲。有些使用了错误的颜...
You may have grabbed the mod on account of an OptiFine texture pack. In this case, it is important what the pack creator recommends. We always write in our pack reviews what settings are required. You often need to enable connected textures and a custom sky. ...
Improvements to the Open to LAN screen 改进了“对局域网开放”页面 The Realms News button will ...
Continuous textures allow creating textures which span multiple blocks! 📐 Block overlays Using the features provided by the connecting model and connecting texture type, you can also achieve block overlays! Custom entity models Custom entity models and entity model modifiers allow resource packs to ...
我的世界1.21.2-1.20.6 Clear Glass with Connected Textures 材质包下载 2024年12月24日材质包0 去掉玻璃和冰纹理中那些讨厌的条纹,让视野前所未有的清晰! 大家好!制作这个资源包的灵感来自于我在网上寻找一个简单、清晰的玻璃材质包时的经历。我发现类似的材质包很多,但它们总有点不对劲。有些使用了错误的颜...
Become the Breeze! Using a Wind Charge will fire off a Wind Charge projectile similar to the ...
Mineable: Enable this to allow players to mine the block in survival mode. When enabled, you can also set the destroy time, which is the time it takes to destroy the block, in seconds. Right next to that, you can see a little animation that previews how fast the block can be mined...