首先,我们需要打开 Forge 官方网站 Downloads for Minecraft Forge for Minecraftfiles.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/ Forge 官方网站 默认是1.19.4,这里我使用1.20.1。但打开后不要直接左键“Installer”,而是右键“Installer”,选择“复制链接"。 右键“Installer”选择“复制链接” 复制后粘贴,你...
网页左边栏为不同游戏版本的forge,在左边栏选中版本之后点击Download Recommended框内的Installer,下载jar文件(较低版本为exe文件)。 加载不出AdFoc.us服务的可以在Installer处右键复制下载链接,粘贴至地址栏后手动删除前置引导网址,留下的就是单纯的下载链接。例如:https://adfoc.us/serve/sitelinks/?id=271228&url=ht...
因为java8不支持forge,所以推荐安装java7,有更新提示也不要更新。FileZilla:https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client 利用FileZilla在电脑和Pi之间传输打开FileZilla主机填Pi的ip,用户名pi,密码raspberry,端口22,快速连接之后左边会列出电脑文件,右边列出Pi的文件,可以互相传输右边打开/home/pi目录在左边...
Forge下载地址:https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/ 有一些mod要求必须要XX版本...
at net.minecraftforge.installer.DownloadUtils.getConnection(DownloadUtils.java:243) at net.minecraftforge.installer.DownloadUtils.downloadMirrors(DownloadUtils.java:293) at net.minecraftforge.installer.json.Install.getMirror(Install.java:117) at net.minecraftforge.installer.actions.ServerInstall.run(ServerIns...
1.Visit theForge website, choose the Minecraft version you would like to run from the sidebar on the left, then download the installer. 2.Open the .jar file you have just downloaded, make sure ‘Install client’ is selected and click OK. Once this has finished you will see a success ...
One other way to download and installMinecraftmods that requires little experience and lets you use a variety of mods is to usea management tool like Forge: Extract the mod file, if necessary, by right-clicking on the file or folder and selectingExtract. This new file will be saved in a ...
minecraft文件夹内,和libraries文件夹并列。)用这一启动器更新的游戏默认为官方原版,可以自动安装Forge自行整合或导入已整合好的.minecraft文件夹,这一部分涉及到mod安装,此处略过。 本楼含有高级字体74楼2014-01-01 20:29 收起回复 婴垣帝凤 巨龙悲鸣 15 附:Minecraft 无法正常启动、崩溃(Crash)等常见问题http:...
Minecraft Forge, free and safe download. Minecraft Forge latest version: Free mod server for Minecraft. Minecraft Forge is a game utility application
Download and install the file. Launch the application. Click on the “Create Custom Profile” button at the top. Enter a profile name and select the version of Minecraft you have. In the next window, select “Forge” and click “Create” to install Forge for the profile. ...