minecraft:infested_chiseled_stone_bricks minecraft:infested_cobblestone minecraft:infested_cracked_stone_bricks minecraft:infested_deepslate minecraft:infested_mossy_stone_bricks minecraft:infested_stone minecraft:infested_stone_bricks minecraft:info_update minecraft:info_update2 minecraft:invisible_bedrock minecraft...
Cracked Deepslate Bricks 裂纹深板岩砖 Cracked Deepslate Tiles 裂纹深板岩瓦 Cracked Nether Bricks 裂纹下界砖块 Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks 裂纹磨制黑石砖 Cracked Stone Bricks 裂纹石砖 Crafter 合成器 Crafting Table 工作台 Creeper Head 苦力怕的头 Creeper Wall Head 墙上的苦力怕的头 Crimson Button 绯...
石英块(Block of Quartz)是一种由下界石英合成而得的方块,有装饰作用。 石英砖(Quartz Bricks)、石英柱(Quartz Pillar)、平滑石英块(Smooth Quartz Block)、雕纹石英块(Chiseled Quartz Block)是石英块的变种。 石英砖、石英柱、平滑石英块和雕纹石英块不会生成
They can then open their inventory, or use a block (Crafting table, furnace, blast furnace, smoker, etc) to view the recipe and the materials required to craft the recipe result. Recipes can also be given or taken away by using the /recipe command. ...
Here's how to craft the Camouflage Door Crafter: Use this crafting table to create doors and trapdoors with the same patterns as in vanilla Minecraft. Simply use the blocks of your choice to craft the desired doors. For example, use dirt to craft a Dirt Door, stone to craft a Stone Doo...
Next Major Update(Experimental)beta Stripped logs are now used to craft hanging signs. beta Added regular and stripped cherry logs behind the "Next Major Update" experimental toggle. 1.20.0beta Regular and stripped cherry logs are now available without using the ...
Thin Iceare now scattered around! Jumping on thin ice will cause it to crack, and standing on cracked thin ice will break it and drop you into the water below. Build chilly creations with newSnow BricksandIce Bricks! 🌳 The Plains Update ...
Underbrick Slabs, Stairs, and Walls (+ Cracked and Mossy variant) Trollsteinn stone set! Comes in Polished, Brick, and Chiselled variant. You can craft the regular, polished, and brick variants into stairs, slabs, and walls. Stone Tile set and its mossy variant, inheriting the same tile...
Blackstone can be used to craft stone tools 黑石可以用来制作石质工具 Lodestone (Experimental) 磁石(试验性) A new block that can help you get your bearings! 帮助你辨认方位的新方块! Crafted from a Netherite ingot and Chiseled Stone Bricks 使用下界合金锭和錾制石砖合成 Use a compass on a Lodest...
Blackstone can be used to craft furnaces and stone tools Added gilded blackstone – blackstone which has been imbued with gold and has a chance of dropping gold nuggets when broken Added chiseled Nether bricks, cracked Nether bricks, and quartz bricks ...