You can search for guides of adding custom music to game and read this article on Minecraft wiki, then you can use custom sound event name. If player doesn't have this sound nothing will happen. How to add custom texture to disc? You can use Custom Model Data number for vanilla texture...
音符盒(Note Block)是一种会在受到玩家敲击或接受红石信号后发出声音的方块。 音符盒会在远古城市的冰窖建筑中作为“门铃”生成。 脚本错误:您必须指定要调用的函数。 挖掘音符盒的合适工具是斧。 Lua错误 在Module:Breaking_table的第473行:attempt to index upvalue '
Added new “Chat Message Duration” accessibility setting to change how long chat messages remain on screen (3 seconds by default) 加入了新的「聊天消息留存时间」无障碍选项以更改聊天消息在屏幕上留存的时间(默认为 3 秒) Renamed “Notification Duration” to “Toast Notification Duration” and fixed ...
queueMusic(trackId: string, musicOptions?: MusicOptions): void Queues an additional music track for players. If a track is not playing, a music track will play. Parameters trackId:string Identifier of the music track to play. musicOptions?:MusicOptions=null ...
stopMusic addExperience addExperience(amount: number): number Adds/removes experience to/from the Player and returns the current experience of the Player. Parameters amount:number Amount of experience to add. Note that this can be negative. Min/max bounds at -2^24 ~ 2^24 ...
I really like what you did to the effects when you make new food and how you adjust the durability and amplifier. This would be amazing if you could add it to the individual armor pieces. Also I believe you should do something cool with enchants or atleast add a way so we could ...
Manages callbacks that are connected to after a players input permissions change. Methods subscribe unsubscribe subscribe subscribe(callback: (arg: PlayerInputPermissionCategoryChangeAfterEvent) => void): (arg: PlayerInputPermissionCategoryChangeAfterEvent) => void ...
A Damage Type determines how damage is handledby the game. This includes which attributes the damage has as well as which death message is used when an entity diesdue to that type of damage. 伤害类型是一种全新的注册表项,可以使用数据包拓展。伤害类型可用于决定游戏将如何处理伤害事件。包括伤害...
EffectAddBeforeEvent EffectAddBeforeEventSignal EffectType EffectTypes EnchantmentType EnchantmentTypes Entity EntityAddRiderComponent EntityAgeableComponent EntityAttributeComponent EntityBaseMovementComponent EntityBreathableComponent EntityCanClimbComponent EntityCanFlyComponent EntityCanPowerJumpComponent EntityColor2Compon...
or boots. I really like what you did to the effects when you make new food and how you adjust the durability and amplifier. This would be amazing if you could add it to the individual armor pieces. Also I believe you should do something cool with enchants or atleast add a ...