grass grows, animals spawn, almost everything that happens on the server relies on ticks. When at peak performance, 20 TPS, you’ll experience normal gameplay without any server-side lag. But if your server’s TPS starts to drop, you’ll begin to notice lag while you play. ...
Villagers are passive mobs that inhabit villages, work at their professions, breed, and interact with each other. Adult villagers' outfits vary according to their occupation and biome. A player can trade with them using emeralds as currency. They are als
Added the player's cause of death to the death screen 将玩家死亡原因添加到了死亡页面 Music is ...
Splash texts are the yellow lines of text on the title screen. They are randomly chosen from the list below and often feature references to popular culture (e.g. websites, quotes, and video games). The splash pulsates on the title screen twice per second
The mod saves all portal locations to '../world-folder/data/netherportalspread/portals/'. A new portal is detected when it's created or when a player goes from the nether to the overworld. So for old worlds you'll have to go through it and back once to start the spread effect, or...
Tweaks to caves Lava at the bottom of caves Caves in desert and mesa Strongholds Villages Villagers Abandoned mine shafts Flat world generation Limited world generation “New” mob spawning Updated light generation Grass color for different biomes ...
LAN Server Properties:Enhance the vanilla 'Open to LAN' GUI for listening port customization, removal of enforced authentication and more Lenient Paths:Allows the creation of grass paths everywhere (beneath fence gates, trapdoors, ...) Lightning ...
villager-trade is for maps traded by villagers and loot-tables refers to anything that generates loot dynamically like treasure chests, dungeon chests, etc. tick-rates.grass-spread Good starting value: 4 Time in ticks between the server trying to spread grass or mycelium. This will make it so...
these mangrove tree roots. They’re all tangled up! What do you mean they’re supposed to be...
His fingers curled around the grass and ripped it from the dirt, screaming as whatever was hurting him continued its assault. His eyes fluttered, and the light in the world seemed to dim as his vision faltered. The next thing the hero knew, he was in a space of complete darkness. He...