Added Frogs and Tadpoles 加入了青蛙和蝌蚪 Added the Deep Dark biome 加入了深暗之域群系 Added ...
Tadpoles on land “jump around” like fishes on land, and eventually dies 蝌蚪会在岸上像鱼一样扑腾,最终就死了 Tadpoles that grows up turns into a frog 蝌蚪长大了就变成了青蛙 Tadpoles grow into a different type of frog based on the biome they are born in (Cold, Temperate, Warm) 蝌蚪会...
关门时,玩家不再会被门推动了 (MCPE-154734) Fixed a bug where players could take fall damage when walking around on Scaffolding at certain heights (even when not actually falling) (MCPE-154779) 修复了一个玩家在脚手架上走动时可能受到摔落伤害的问题(即使没有发生真正的摔落)(MCPE-154779) Fixed a...
So that you can catch tadpoles not only on the shore, but also in the middle of lakes and swamps, Mojang has made a new change regarding boats. In MC 1.19, you can put a chest directly into a boat for an additional 27 slots. They are useful if you, for example, fish for a long...
Or perhaps you just want to know how to make one? The recent1.19 updateintroduced the long-awaited Deep Dark biome and theWardenmob, but it's not all doom and gloom—the Wild Update also adds frogs, tadpoles, and the cute Allay, a mob chosen by players during 2021's Minecraft live po...
Minecraft 1.19 - The Wild Update is out now. Not only that, all owners now get both Java & Bedrock together as they've been merged into a single purchase.
Tadpoles can swim in water Tadpoles on land “jump around” like fishes on land, and eventually ...
A small change, but a lot of players have been waiting for it for a long time.Now you don’t have to choose what to take with you on a long voyage, fearing a lack of free space.Such a boat with a chest will be useful to all those players who are exploring the updated world....
Loading a world no longer takes a very long time when having the Holiday Creator Features experimental toggle enabled 启用假日创作者特性实验性开关时,加载世界不会再花去很长时间了。 Gameplay 玩法 Players are no longer pushed by Doors as they close (MCPE-154734) ...
Added FROGs and Tadpoles 加入了青蛙和蝌蚪 Added the Deep Dark biome 加入了深暗之域群系 Added Ancient Cities 加入了远古城市 Added Darkness mob effect 加入了黑暗效果 Added Disc Fragment and Music Disc 5 加入了唱片残片和 5 号唱片 Added Echo Shard and Recovery Compass 加入了回声碎片和追溯指针 Add...