HorseInBoatWhat does this mod do?This mod makes it much easier to put horses into boats and also changes the pose horses have whilst in one. This mod also changes the hitbox of horses in boats, this is done to make it possible to enter a boat with a horse in it and it also makes...
数值界限范围 如果type为cat、frog、axolotl、boat、fox、mooshroom、painting、rabbit、horse、llama、villager、parrot和tropical_fish,附加参数如下: variant:(可选)对应实体的某项变种。 vehicle:(可选)实体正在骑乘的实体。 实体谓词 语言 English 更多...
minecraft:armor_stand 盔甲架 minecraft:iron_horse_armor 铁马铠 minecraft:golden_horse_armor 金马铠 minecraft:diamond_horse_armor 钻石马铠 minecraft:lead 拴绳 minecraft:name_tag 命名牌 minecraft:command_block_minecart 命令方块矿车 minecraft:mutton 生羊肉 minecraft:cooked_mutton 熟羊肉 minecraft:banner 旗...
333 Oak Boat(minecraft:boat) 334 Leather(minecraft:leather) 335 Milk Bucket(minecraft:milk_bucket) 336 Brick(minecraft:brick) 337 Clay(minecraft:clay_ball) 338 Sugar Canes(minecraft:reeds) 339 Paper(minecraft:paper) 340 Book(minecraft:book) 341 Slimeball(minecraft:slime_ball) 342 Minecart with ...
召唤已驯服的僵尸马:/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:3,Tame:1} 召唤未驯服的僵尸马:/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:3} 召唤已驯服的骷髅马:/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4,Tame:1} 召唤未驯服的骷髅马:/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4} 召唤僵尸巨人:/summon Giant /summon Gi...
Spawn Zombie Horse(minecraft:spawn_egg) 383:31 Spawn Donkey(minecraft:spawn_egg) 383:32 Spawn Mule(minecraft:spawn_egg) 383:34 Spawn Evoker(minecraft:spawn_egg) 383:35 Spawn Vex(minecraft:spawn_egg) 383:36 Spawn Vindicator(minecraft:spawn_egg) 383:50 Spawn Creeper(minecraft:spawn_egg) 383:...
MC-191714 - Player is dismounted when standing on farmland while riding a horse/boat while the farmland turns to dirt, causing a desync MC-191714 - 站在耕地上骑着马的玩家在耕地变成泥土时会被摔下马,造成了不同步 MC-198432 - Pufferfish phases through blocks after reloading world MC-198432 - ...
skeleton_horse = 生成骷髅马 zombie_horse = 生成僵尸马 zombie = 生成僵尸 drowned = 生成溺尸 creeper = 生成苦力怕 skeleton = 生成骷髅 spider = 生成蜘蛛 zombie_pigman = 生成僵尸猪灵 strider = 生成炽足兽 slime = 生成史莱姆 enderman = 生成末影人 ...
Villagers (and baby villagers) on boats that have claimed a bed can still sleep when the bed is near to them resulting in them sleeping in the boat instead.[Bedrock Edition only] Ancient villagers have been shown in Minecraft Legends, although they were hinted at in Minecraft Dungeons. ...