MC自然状态下能够生成的极品马指令(Java) /summon minecraft:horse ~ ~ ~ {Attributes:[{Name:"generic.max_health",Base:30},{Name:"generic.movement_speed",Base:0.3375},{Name:"horse.jump_strength",Base:1}],Tame:1b} 白色已驯服,无鞍无马铠 根据mcwiki:此马15颗心,最大速度是14.23格/秒,可以跳...
generic.movement_speed[新增:JE 1.16]决定弹跳力的是(此标签为马独有):horse.jumpStrength...
Normally being mounted on a horse makes you mine at 1/5 the speed. Now you can actually do stuff on horseback Improve "Step Height" capability Increases horse step-height from 1 block to 1.1 blocks. This makes riding horses around path blocks way less frustrating. Client Changes: Allow sw...
Attack_Speed-攻击速度(玩家) Flying_Speed-飞行速度(飞行生物,BOSS除外) Horse_Jump_Strength-马跳跃高度(马) Knockback_Resistance-击退抗性(生物,玩家) Luck-幸运(玩家) Max_Health-最大生命(生物,玩家) Mob_Follow_Range-生物最大跟随距离(生物,玩家) ...
Horse(马)Ocelot(豺猫)rabbit(兔子)Mooshroom(哞菇)洞穴蜘蛛CaveSpiderWolf(狼)Guardian(守卫者)ElderGuardian(远古守卫者) SnowGolem雪傀儡?IronGolem(铁傀儡)?iron铁EnderDragon末影龙Giant(巨人;巨大僵尸仅限电脑版)UndeadHorse(僵尸马) SkeletonHorse(骷髅马)execute@e[type=arrow]~ ~~...
Max: 3.0 最大经验 3.0 恶魂和凋零都是禁止抓的。可以从Config文件里修改:LeashFlags: Impossible 把'Impossible'改成'LowHp'Mypet物种:Pig猪 Cow牛 Sheep羊 Horse马 Mooshroom哞菇 IronGolem铁傀儡 Snowman雪傀儡 wolf狼 Ocelot猫 Villager村民 Bat蝙蝠 Zombie僵尸 PigZombie僵尸猪人 Sk...
than its parents in speed, jump strength, and health. This change is intended to make Horse ...
召唤已驯服的骷髅马:/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4,Tame:1} 召唤未驯服的骷髅马:/summon EntityHorse ~ ~ ~ {Type:4} 召唤僵尸巨人:/summon Giant /summon Giant 巨型僵尸 /summon EnderDragon 末影龙 /summon WitherBoss 凋零 /summon Skeleton 骷髅 /summon Pig ~ ~ ~ 输入指令可以刷出...
horse JSON Copy "minecraft:horse.jump_strength": { "value": { "range_min": 0.4, "range_max": 1.0 } } mule JSON Copy "minecraft:horse.jump_strength": { "value": 0.5 } Vanilla entities using minecraft:horse.jump_strength donkey horse mule skeleton_h...