Common Enchantment, accessible in the Enchanting Table and on Enchanted Books in loot 常见魔咒,可...
/chat status [on/off] - Toggles the Chat status (connect/disconnect/ban) messages. /chat tips [on/off] - Toggles random Chat tips. /chat tip - Displays a random tip. /chat [hide/show/toggle] [channel] - Hides, shows or toggles the visibility of a specific channel. /chat clear - ...
/help Running `/help` in the chat by itself will list every command you can run. However, since there are so many, they have been divided up into several pages, where you are shown only one page at a time. Supplying a page number will change which page of commands to show.Whenever ...
JobActions is a Minecraft plugin that enables players to create, list, and fulfil orders for items using an in-game currency. The plugin provides commands for creating and managing orders through a graphical user interface (GUI). minecraftminecraft-pluginminecraft-economyminecraftpluginminecraft-server...
Can also be found spawning from Trial Spawners in some Trial Chambers 也会在一些试炼密室结构中由...
加入了游戏规则logAdminCommands。 NBT数据现在支持使用字符串ID。 虽然数字ID仍能在NBT数据中使用,但在其余命令中均不再有效。 14w04a 加入了/particle命令。 14w05a /gamemode和/defaultgamemode命令加入了spectator参数。 14w06a /effect命令加入了hideParticles参数。 加入了/trigger命令。 14w07a 加入了/execute和...
The icon is only visible when the chat screen is open 图标仅会在聊天界面打开时可见 Hovering over the icon will provide more information about the trust status 指针悬停在图标上时会提供更多关于可信状态的消息 For modified messages, the original secure text will also be displayed in the tooltip ...
SuperVanish & PremiumVanish- hide all interactions Vault- per group configuration Plasmo Voice & Simple Voice- mutes sync DiscordSRV- send flectonechat's actions to discord Commands /afk,/ball,/ban,/banlist,/me,/broadcast,/chatcolor,/chatsettings,/clearchat,/firstonline,/flectonechat,/geolocate...
When enabled, a server-controlled preview appears above the chat edit box, showing how the message will look when sent 当启用时,一个由服务器控制的聊天预览会显示在聊天编辑框上方,会显示消息发送时的外观 A preview is also shown for chat-related commands, such as /say and /msg ...
ResidenceChatPrefixLength: 16# 是否要忽略 权限 ,这样只能领地管理员和OP才能更改设置AdminOnlyCommands:false# 如果设置为true,则开启领地Op (/resadmin)AdminOPs:true# 如果设置为true,则将领地设置上升至管理员也可操作,不需要/resadmin指令,如果是Op的领地,则其他Op操作需要相应的权限AdminFullAccess:false# 这...