新增的物品“Heart Of The Sea”(海洋之心)和“Nautilus Shell”(海螺壳),为玩家们提供了新的游戏选择。
nautilus_shell = 鹦鹉螺壳 heart_of_the_sea = 海洋之心 magma_cream = 岩浆膏 map = 地图 map_exploration_mansion = 森林探险者地图 map_exploration_monument = 海洋探险者地图 map_exploration_treasure = 藏宝图 melon = 西瓜片 milk = 奶桶 minecart = 矿车 chest_minecart = 运输矿车 command_block_m...
The Heart of the Sea and The Nautilus Shell are TWO BRAND NEW ITEMS being added in #Minecraft/#MCPE Update Aquatic! :D 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2018-04-06 05:57回复 时间的梦醒时分 末影人 13 来自Android客户端2楼2018-04-06 05:57 回复 ...
Baubley Heart Canisters (by traverse_joe) Better Advancements (by way2muchnoise) Better Combat with Tinkers Support (by Zangelix) Better Compat (by imgodo8002) Better Compatibility Checker (by Gaz_) Better Fps - Render Distance[Forge] (by someaddon) ...
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Icon Advancement In-game description Parent Actual requirements (if different) Resource location Minecraft The heart and story of the game — Have a crafting table in your inventory. story/root HistoryJava Edition pre-Classic rd-20090515 Added wooden planks....
583 heart_of_the_sea 683 heart_pottery_sherd 684 heartbreak_pottery_sherd -316 heavy_core 148 heavy_weighted_pressure_plate 502 hoglin_spawn_egg -220 honey_block 607 honey_bottle 606 honeycomb -221 honeycomb_block 539 hopper 538 hopper_minecart -584 horn_coral -852 horn_...
minecraft:creaking_heart minecraft:creeper_head minecraft:crimson_button minecraft:crimson_door minecraft:crimson_double_slab minecraft:crimson_fence minecraft:crimson_fence_gate minecraft:crimson_fungus minecraft:crimson_hanging_sign minecraft:crimson_hyphae minecraft:crimson_nylium minecraft:crimson_planks minecr...
海洋之心,是沙盒游戏《Minecraft》中的稀有物品,用途为合成。获得 海洋之心所有的埋藏的宝藏的箱子里以1份为一组的形式出现。 在1.13中,其所有的埋藏的宝藏的箱子里以1份为一组的形式出现。在基岩版中,其所有的埋藏的宝藏的箱子里以1份为一组的形式出现。合成公式 历史背景 java版 18w15a 加入了海洋之心...