each blade of grass, and even every single tiny pebble in a gravel block. As the name suggests, those textures are also done in a modern style inspired by
MC-214695 - Big dripleaf texture mirrored incorrectly from underneath MC-214695- 大型垂滴叶顶部材质的底面没有正确地翻转 MC-214696 - Small dripleaf texture mirrored incorrectly from underneath MC-214696- 小型垂滴叶顶部材质的底面没有正确地翻转 MC-214698 - Azalea top texture is mirrored incorrectly...
它们的位置在assets/minecraft/textures/colormap里。游戏包含2张颜色图,一张是foliage.png,指定植物如叶子(除了桦木和云杉木)和藤蔓的颜色;还有一张是grass.png,指定草和草方块的颜色。颜色图可以通过移除个别方块上的tintindex标签而被禁用。 字体 字体文件包含一个白色字符的网格,这些字符会在游戏需要时自动被...
Cherry blossom atmosphere Grass and water animations Realistic sun and moon Pink serenity fog Fps boost NEW UPDATES: Added multiple skies to choose from in the settings Modified a few of the pipeline codes to decrease stuttering Shader now supports the latest version of minecraft, but don't test...
Example: /give @p minecraft:diamond_shovel 1 0 {CanDestroy:["minecraft:sand","minecraft:grass"]} to give a diamond shovel that can break grass and sandPutting an invalid item name in will display as "missingno" under the "Can Break" list.CanPlaceOnAllows placing of certain blocks ...
Blocks Once the block has broken dig.grass 0.7 0.8-1.0 Blocks When the block is placed dig.grass 0.8 0.8-1.0 Blocks While the block is in the process of being broken hit.grass 0.3 0.5 Players Falling on the block with fall damage fall.grass 0.4 1.0 Players Walking on the block step.gr...
top = tex_coord(*top) bottom = tex_coord(*bottom) side = tex_coord(*side) result = [] result.extend(top) result.extend(bottom) result.extend(side * 4) return result TEXTURE_PATH = 'texture.png' GRASS = tex_coords((1, 0), (0, 1), (0, 0)) ...
MC-1483 - Snow covered grass/podzol/mycelium block side texture does not match original block MC-1483 - 被雪覆盖的草方块/灰化土/菌丝的材质与原始材质不匹配 MC-12363 - Lava / water / powder snow bucket desync when using it while rapidly turning MC-12363 - 使用桶时快速转身会导致服务端和客户...
In fact, just about everything is done well here, from the subtle waving of leaves and grass to effective colour changes from night to day and vice versa. If these environmental effects are your cup of tea, give Specrum Shaders a try. Sunflawer Shaders Image credit: Rock Paper Shotgun...
A simple yet gorgeous pack that enhances your gameplay with a unique aesthetic, dreamy marvelous sky consisting of silky smooth 3d clouds, charming purple-ish filter and misty v... ByB00g13_eat_grass Published on 19 Jan, 2025 3.8