Grass and Nylium no longer decay to Dirt and Netherrack when below Slime, Honey, Hopper, or Chemical Heat (Education Edition block) (MCPE-62132) 草方块和菌岩在低于黏液块、蜂蜜块、漏斗或加热块(教育版)时不再退化为泥土和地狱岩(MCPE-62132)) ...
Download 3D ModelAdd toEmbedShareReport Triangles: 12 Vertices: 8More model information Please tag or credit me as “by iayseozdemir” if you use this 3D model. Otherwise, kindly refrain from using it. Thank you! ☑ If you want to thank me ☕️: ...
例子:草地方块(Grass Block)草地方块有2个状态。这个例子取自文件grass.json,文件可以在assets/minecraft/blockstates目录下找到。文件:grass.json{"variants": {"snowy=false": [{ "model": "grass_normal" },{ "model": "grass_normal", "y": 90 },{ "model": "grass_normal", "y": 180 },{ "...
minecraft:structure_block minecraft:structure_void minecraft:sunflower minecraft:suspicious_gravel minecraft:suspicious_sand minecraft:sweet_berry_bush minecraft:tall_grass minecraft:target minecraft:tinted_glass minecraft:tnt minecraft:torch minecraft:torchflower minecraft:torchflower_crop minecraft:trapdoor minecra...
- Dirt/Grass - Logs - Pumpkin - Stone - Iron Ingot - Nether Quartz - Gold Ingot - Lapis Lazuli - Emerald - Diamond - Obsidian 7. Inventory: Quite simply an inventory where everything the blockling collects will end up. Some of the slots are blocked off as you will need to unlock ab...
Tint method logic varies, but often refers to the "rain" and "temperature" of the biome the block is placed in to compute the tint. Supported tint methods are "none", "default_foliage", "birch_foliage", "evergreen_foliage", "dry_foliage", "grass" and "...
API for resource pack creators and modders to add new block connection following the better grass rule or new alternate models for blocks following the better snow rule. And more! 📖 Usage Using this mod is very simple! Install it in your mods folder along with Quilted Fabric API and Mod...
Block below: minecraft:grass TickType: NATURAL Status: Not tracked We can break this down: "minecraft:item" is the entity name of a dropped item in the chunk "minecraft:grass" is the block name "TickType: NATURAL" means that this blocktypewill tick if it's not tracked or the tracker ...
脚步声 玩家 在方块上行走 block.wood.step subtitles.block.generic.footsteps ↑ 1.0 1.1 MC-177082 ↑ 不同于其他方块放置事件,此项事件被分类在物品下,这是故意而为的,见MC-177459。 基岩版: 字幕分类描述命名空间ID系统音效类型音高音量衰减距离流预载 方块 方块作为物品使用时发出的音效 use.grass item....
爱给网提供海量的元素合辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png 格式的青草砖块草(minecraft-grass-brick-block-grass), 本站编号43440683, 该元素合辑素材大小为332k, 分辨率为2500 x 2299, 该素材已被下载:117次, 更多精彩元素合辑素材,尽在爱给网。 找到...