首先,在手机上打开你的基岩版Minecraft游戏。2. 创建一个新的游戏或加载你想要共享的地图。3. 在游戏中,点击右下角的“高级”选项。4. 在弹出的菜单中,选择“导出世界”。这将允许你保存当前世界的所有内容到一个文件。5. 将导出的文件(通常是一个zip压缩包)上传到云存储或其他在线储存空间,例如Google Drive...
Options SIB1Yy9lAAA=.zip - Google Drive.txt 0.1 kB 27/Nov/22 8:00 PM Activity Reporter: Mohanad927 Votes: 1Vote for this issue Watchers: 2Start watching this issue Created: 27/Nov/22 8:01 PM Updated: 19/Sep/23 6:47 PM Resolved: ...
基岩版下载链接:https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... g/view?usp=drivesdk 附java版链接:Hana...
Java:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dk6Xj7wmoEFnOzrKWF5PizngH4Vy2vIL/view?usp=sharing Bedrock:heU5Zl+jAAA=.zip The crash is coming from "hasBook" being set to 1 but there is no "book" tag. I have added a bug report on the Bedrock bug tracker because the game should handle thi...
LINKS (still on anonfiles, will soon be on my own site and Google Drive): tar.gz - https://anonfiles.com/5a06160du9/ClassiCubeARM32.tar_gz ZIP - https://anonfiles.com/1b0b1307uf/ClassiCubeARM32_zip GitHub tar.gz and ZIP (June 10th, 2021 build) - https://github.com/armdevvel/Cl...
Wether you're a hardcore survivalist, a creative builder, or a technical enthusiast, the world of Vadosus is sure to have something for everyone. A semi-survival world built by Oedius, the world of Vadosus is a continuous single player world which will keep being updated as long as it ...
搬运!! "MORE PAINTINGS" MOD~~~ (好象木有人发过) 下载: 单机版 - dl点dropbox点com/u/34534935/More_Paintings_Xtreme_Edition-1.0.0.zip SERVER版 - dl点dropbox点com/u/34534935/More_Paintings_Xtreme_Edition-Server-1.0.0.zip 安装方法: - 备份你那宝贝的 MINECRAFT.JAR - 用WINRAR或WINZIP(个人...
but it lost as i lost my Google account due to 2 step verification, because i posted the world in that account's drive, maybe one of you could help? :) The good thing is, because of that i decided to make a newer and better version, it's just better in general and more symmetric...
Using the very super cool tool Mapcrafter that generates a Google Maps style version of your Minecraft map (see this tutorialif you're interested it playing with it), we can see how our map looks within even loading the game. When the process is complete, copy the generated /world/...
This is too large to upload, so I had to upload to Google Drive. Here is the link to that: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B0C5g0mLYXUDMlBZSk9QaXNuVDA/edit?usp=sharing Kumasasa added a comment - 29/Jul/13 4:19 PM Please attach the a ZIP or 7Z of the world here and ...