5024 6 26:36 App 【熟肉|如何设计最高效率的金子农场】How to Design a High Efficiency Gold Farm 浏览方式(推荐使用) 哔哩哔哩 你感兴趣的视频都在B站 打开信息网络传播视听节目许可证:0910417 网络文化经营许可证 沪网文【2019】3804-274号 广播电视节目制作经营许可证:(沪)字第01248号 增值电信业务经营许...
这个是他利用十个村民会召唤铁巨人,杀死铁巨人会掉铁块的原理造的Iron Farm,从此我们有了无尽的铁。...
《一起玩农场2/Farm Together 2》2024年5月8日现已开启抢先体验 01:22 【Steam】日式悬疑解谜游戏《蜂とアヴァンギャルド》2024年年内登陆 01:50 【Switch】任天堂RPG游戏《纸片马力欧RPG》CM1,2024年5月23日登陆 00:36 【Switch】任天堂RPG游戏《纸片马力欧RPG》CM2,2024年5月23日登陆 00:36 【Switch...
Set up a cow farm, chicken farm (for the eggs, not the chickens), carrot farm, wheat farm, gold farm (optional), and berry farm. When you’re done with that, (if you’rereallydetermined), use a hopper system to load and unload your cooking table with the ingredients you need. (It...
锄被加入我的世界的同时,还被加入的还有耕地方块,种子,小麦,面包,和修复了怪物偶尔会倒走的bug。跟大多数工具类似,它们都有五种类型:分别是木制,石制,铁制,金制和钻石制——每种的耐久度都不同。 TAKING INVENTORY: HOE 背包盘点:锄 What else are you going to use to farm dirt? Your HANDS???
2、aft:lava静态 岩浆120Cmin ecraft:sa nd沙子SB130Dmin ecraft:gravel沙砾140Emin ecraft:gold_ore金矿石150Fminecraft:iron ore铁矿石图标S图标Dec Hex名称方块minecraft:coal ore1610煤矿石1711min ecraft:log木头SB1812min ecraft:leaves树叶SB1913min ecraft:sp onge海绵SB2014mi necraft:glass玻璃2115min ...
How do I find a nether fortress? I really need blaze rods to make a villager cleric and sell him all my rotten flesh from my gold farm and buy tons of redstone. i also survived 180 days, built a very big mob farm, made a villager farm to breed them, built an iron farm and auto...
Perfect Mob farm is a simple mod that adds new blocks calledMob Farms, that are used to generate loot passively from a specific mob. This mod makes farmingeasierandautomatic. Recipes Mob Shard Advanced Mob Shard Iron Mob farm Gold Mob farm ...
If you love animals (especially the voxel-shaped,Minecraftanimals), this is the seed for you. You'll spawn right in the middle of a farm featuring horses, pigs, sheep, and ducks. Make sure to gather your resources from the nearby savanna biome in order to get the coal and stone you ...
{ "event": "minecraft:resupply_trades", "target": "self" } }, "minecraft:behavior.harvest_farm_block": { "priority": 7 }, "minecraft:behavior.fertilize_farm_block": { "priority": 8 } }, "work_schedule_librarian": { "minecraft:behavior.work": { "priority": 7, "activ...