Existing special banner patterns can now be crafted into a new item that is not consumed when used, Banner Patterns Added a new "Globe" banner pattern and item Added lots of new blocks! We're now using the new textures! Added new Noteblock sounds Added pandas! Added illager patrols Added ...
Vanilla Parity:待同步特性: Added the Globe Banner Pattern on Bedrock 在基岩版添加了地球旗帜图案 Raid boss bar says now displays "Raid - Victory" and Fireworks are launched from the ground after a raid is defeated (MCPE-51267) 一次袭击被成功击败时,袭击首领栏将展示“袭击 —— 胜利”并有烟花...
Globe texture by [tobyplowy] (https://github.com/tobyplowy) and [lipki] (https://github.com/lipki) Banner pattern by [lipki] (https://github.com/lipki) honey bottle and comb by [Snykeurs] (https://github.com/Snykeurs) and [tobyplowy] (https://github.com/tobyplowy) ...
Added a new "Globe" banner pattern and item 添加新的「地球」旗帜样式和物品 We're now using the new textures! 使用新材质! Added new noteblock sounds 添加新的音符盒音效 Added pandas 添加熊猫 Added foxes 添加狐狸 Added Illager patrols
Added a new "Globe" banner pattern and item Added lots of new blocks! We're now using the new textures! Added new Noteblock sounds Added pandas! Added illager patrols Added pillagers Added pillager outpost Added raids Added Ravager Added scaffolding Rewrote the sign editing to ...
待同步特性: Added the Globe Banner Pattern on Bedrock 在基岩版添加了地球旗帜图案 Raid boss bar says now displays "Raid - Victory" and Fireworks are launched from the ground after a raid is defeated (MCPE-51267) 一次袭击被成功击败时,袭击首领栏将展示“袭击 —— 胜利”并有烟花从地面升起 (MCP...