【我的世界建筑教程】Minecraft - 洞穴基地教程 02 来看看如何打造属于你自己的山洞基地!隐形物品框命令: /give 用户名 item_frame 1 {EntityTag:{Invisible:1b}} BGM:按顺序 Se - 爱理财的男大韭菜于20231124发布在抖音,已经收获了1662个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
execute as @a unless entity @s[scores={雪球模式=1}] run replaceitem entity @s[hasitem={item=snowball,quantity=0}] slot.hotbar 0 destroy snowball 1 0 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_slot"},"minecraft:keep_on_death":{}} 2、可移动雪球(重复 无条件 始终活动) give @a[hasit...
give @a[hasitem={item=snowball,quantity=0},scores={雪球模式=1}] snowball 1 0 {"minecraft:item_lock":{"mode":"lock_in_inventory"},"minecraft:keep_on_death":{}} 3、雪球菜单添加积分(连锁 无条件 始终活动) execute at @e[type=snowball] run scoreboard players add @p[r=2] 雪球菜单 1...
【新人求助】 giv..我在创造模式里输入/give player 137后提示there is no such item with name minecraft:137,并且任何数字都无效,我把1~255试了一个遍,都是这
); targetLocation.dimension.spawnItem(onePickaxe, diamondPickaxeLoc); } (preview) Work with this sample on the MCTools.dev code sandbox.givePlayerEquipment.tsTypeScript 复制 import { world, ItemStack, EntityEquippableComponent, EquipmentSlot, EntityComponentTypes, DimensionLocation } from "@...
接下来就是更改道具的名字,模板名并不是显示的名字,所以需要给它起个霸气的名字,指令是/mi name 模板名 显示名接下来起个霸气的名字,显示名支持彩色代码 13楼2015-12-21 20:59 回复 源濑瓜瓜 终界呼唤 12 再次输入/mi list 的时候发现yf100的显示名已经更改完成了 14楼2015-12-21 21:01 回复 ...
This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use a name tag with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, you can give a mob a name with a name tag, but first you need to use an anvil to add the name to the name tag. Let's explore how to use a
/give @a[scores={H_time=1..},hasitem={item=writable_book,quantity=0}] writable_book 【连锁 无条件 保持开启】 /execute @a[scores={H_time=1..}] ~~~ titleraw @s actionbar {"rawtext":[{"text":" §6§l连续发言§e生效§b倒§a计§d时§f - "},{"score":{"name":"@s","...