This Minecraft tutorial explains how to use the /give command with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. You can give a player any item whenever you want using the /give command in Minecraft.
Our Give Armor Generator tool for Java Edition 1.20 allows you to give players enchanted armor such as: /give @p diamond_helmet{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:4},{id:respiration,lvl:3},{id:aqua_affinity,lvl:1},{id:thorns,lvl:3},{id:unbreaking,lvl:3},{id:mending,lvl:1}]} 1 This...
Search for the 3 functions "tombstone:enchanted_equipment" in the file and change the type in uppercase so: "ARMOR", "TOOL" and "WEAPON". It will be fixed in a future release. Also, note that this page description also contains infos about how to change the "available enchanted items" ...
Logs and stems drop themselves when broken with any tool. Block LogStripped LogStemStripped Stem Hardness 2 Tool Breaking time[A] Default 3 Wooden 1.5 Stone 0.75 Iron 0.5 Diamond 0.4 Netherite 0.35 Golden 0.25 ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no ...
Ladders can be broken using any tool, but an axe is the quickest. Block Ladder Hardness 0.4 Tool Breaking time[A] Default 0.6 Wooden 0.3 Stone 0.15 Iron 0.1 Diamond 0.1 Netherite 0.1 Golden 0.05 ↑ Times are for unenchanted tools as wielded by players with no status ...
Best Tool Enchantments in Minecraft These enchantments will not only keep your tools working longer but will also bring in more loot! Fortune Fortune is one of the most popular enchantments because it increases the amount of resources mined blocks drop. Each tool enchanted with this will cause ...
以下为Essentials插件所有指令以及权限节点 使用Ctrl+F可以快速查找 使用Ctrl+D可以收藏本页方便下次使用哦! 权限使用方法(以最常见的GroupManager插件为例): /manuaddp 玩家id 具体权限 #给玩家权限 /mangaddp 组名 具体权限 #给某个组权限 经济指令 常用指令 ...
Sweet Berry Bush now drops up to 6 Sweet Berries when mined using a Fortune enchanted tool (MCPE-172622) 现在使用带有时运魔咒的工具挖掘甜浆果丛时最多会掉落6个甜浆果 (MCPE-172622) Fully grown Cocoa Pods now consistently drop 3 Cocoa Beans ...
In the image above, I combined a Diamond Sword with the Sharpness III enchantment with a Sharpness III Enchanted Book to give the resulting sword Sharpness IV. The item combination method This method requires a lot more resources but is perfect if you've gathered a lot of enchanted gear in ...
It allows users to create custom commands in Tynker and see their creations come to life in the game using the "/connect" command. The Server enables real-time interaction between the code written in Tynker and the Minecraft world! These powerful yet easy-to-use tools offer endless ...