Container entities like Boat with Chest can now be opened on mobile devices without crouching if ...
Particle options in commands and in fields like Particles in Area Effect clouds now use the same representation as worldgen files (like existing biomes' ambient particle settings) 在Area Effect clouds 中的粒子选项 Particles 现在使用和世界生成文件一样的表达方式 (就像现有生物群落的环境粒子设置一样) ...
ShowParticlesOption to show or hide all particles for a potion effect, while the *Ambient* tag only shows fewer particles. Set to 1 to show, 0 to hide.Lock:"Secret"A way to lock containers from being opened using NBT tagsMostly useful for adventure maps in adventure modeContainers can be...
Particle options in commands and in fields like Particles in Area Effect clouds now use the same representation as worldgen files (like existing biomes' ambient particle settings) 在Area Effect clouds 中的粒子选项 Particles 现在使用和世界生成文件一样的表达方式 (就像现有生物群落的环境粒子设置一样) ...
The format is /effect [player] [effect] [seconds] [amplifier] [hideParticles] and requires it to be used in-chat, just as other commands. An example for overpowered jump boosts is /effect EnderX jump_boost 60 5 true and only lasts for one minute without particle effects. This is using...
Minecraft 基岩版 1.19.20 They say that variety is the spice of life, which is why I am ...
If the issue is a crash, make sure to provide the log file or crash report. Depending on the situation, provide pictures. Try to describe the issue as precisely as possible, if possible give steps to reproduce it. Pull requests:
After five minutes, it transforms into a villager, displaying purple Nausea status effect particles for 10 seconds after being cured. The villager retains the profession it had as a zombie, if it had one before turning into a zombie villager. In Bedrock Edition, if the zombie villager is ...
Entities and Particles Items and Recipes Blocks Tools and Libraries Commonly Used Tools Open-Source Scripting Libraries In-Game Tools Bedrock Editor - World Editing Editor Overview Editor Installation Guide Editor Tutorial Building Editor Extensions Blockbench - Model Editing Snowstorm - Particle Editing Chu...
You can also find them naturally in hidden chests or purchase them from a Librarian villager. These are especially desirable because they can give an item multiple different enchantments, provided those particular enchantments apply to said item. ...