Generator:世界格式。0为旧世界,1为无限,2为超平坦。 lightningTime:下一次闪电出现前的剩余时间(刻)。 LimitedWorldOriginX:有限(旧)世界生成开始的X坐标。 LimitedWorldOriginY:有限(旧)世界生成开始的Y坐标。 LimitedWorldOriginZ:有限(旧)世界生成开始的Z坐标。 maxcommandchainlength:连锁型命令方块执行命令的数...
New sub-commands for NBT manipulation and querying New chat component for displaying values from NBT Textures for potion effects, paintings and particles are now split into individual files. As a side effect, they can now be animated in the same way as blocks and items. Sprites for particles ...
minecraft-one-command-generator accepts a list of minecraft commands, and returns one command, which will make a series of command block each containing one of your commands, which will excecute in series. usage: input should be list of commands, seperated with " && " (spaces are important)...
give copies of our Game to anyone else; make commercial use of anything we’ve made; try to make money from anything we’ve made; or let other people get access to anything we’ve made in a way that is unfair or unreasonable;
Unleash the full potential of Minecraft with the Wurst Client - featuring over 200 cheats, hacks, commands, and utility mods. Free and open source. Download it now!
You can download theTest Resourcepackto see how a custom json model can be applied to a machine (the "stone generator" in this example) All of this can be made using a json file in a datapack, and all changes to this file can ba applied in-game with the /reload command, no reboot...
then hit enter. once cheats are enabled you can use commands like /give [item or block] [amount] and /weather [thunder or clear]. be aware though that some servers do not allow cheats so make sure it's okay with the admin before using them! while every effort has been made to ...
特征 添加红树林沼泽生物群落 添加红树林 增加红树林块 添加泥浆和泥砖块 增加粘土可再生性 添加青蛙和蝌蚪...