MC-134900 — generator-settings的level-type FLAT没有实现;属性储存在被忽略的flat_world_optionsNBT中。 MC-135034 — 生物身上的火可以在寒冷生物群系中被降雪熄灭,但是在积雪生物群系中却不能。 MC-135151 — en_us.json:“An error occured!”中的拼写错误。 MC-135333 — 打开的栅栏门...
Generator:世界格式。0为旧世界,1为无限,2为超平坦。 lightningTime:下一次闪电出现前的剩余时间(刻)。 LimitedWorldOriginX:有限(旧)世界生成开始的X坐标。 LimitedWorldOriginY:有限(旧)世界生成开始的Y坐标。 LimitedWorldOriginZ:有限(旧)世界生成开始的Z坐标。 maxcommandchainlength:连锁型命令方块执行命令的数...
Consume or produce any item, works with item tags. Support NBT and durability. hereTest Datapack. You can download theTest Resourcepackto see how a custom json model can be applied to a machine (the "stone generator" in this example) All of this can be made using a json file in a d...
These next few words won't mean anything to you unless you're a Java modder. But I have a whole bunch of jsons that need updating by hand, because I wasn't using a data generator. (Or I need to make the data generators now.) And there's dozens of NBT tag to Data Component ch...
Command ExamplesHere are some game command examples for a sheep in Minecraft:How to Summon a SheepCommand GeneratorsIf you need help, you can use these tools to automatically generate commands for you:Summon Mob Generator Villager Trade Generator Summon Llama with Chest Generator Summon Donkey with...
NBT tags allow you to set certain properties of an entity (such asend_crystal). The NBT tag is always surrounded in {} such as {ShowBottom:0b}. If there is more than one NBT tag used in agame command, the NBT tags are separated by a comma such as {ShowBottom:0b, BeamTarget:{...
MC-134900 — generator-settings的level-type FLAT没有实现;属性储存在被忽略的flat_world_optionsNBT中。 MC-135034 — 生物身上的火可以在寒冷生物群系中被降雪熄灭,但是在积雪生物群系中却不能。 MC-135151 — en_us.json:“An error occured!”中的拼写错误。 MC-135333 — 打开的栅栏门...
An example of a world generator mod (custom Indev map generator) Mods (short for modifications) are alterations to the code of any edition of Minecraft. All mods change Minecraft's game content in some way, such as to make minor adjustments to the game's mechanics or implement entirely...
Welcome to my small command block world! Here I have simple creations that go beyond what redstone has to offer. Basic features: Gamemode control Weather control Kill all mobs Charged creeper / zombie pigman generator Advanced features: Extreme potion effects that make you jump really high and...