minecraft:end_gateway 末地折跃门方块 minecraft:repeating_command_block 循环型命令方块 minecraft:chain_command_block 连锁型命令方块 minecraft:frosted_ice 霜冰 minecraft:structure_block 结构方块 minecraft:iron_shovel 铁锹 minecraft:iron_pickaxe 铁镐 minecraft:iron_axe 铁斧 minecraft:flint_and_steel 打火石...
/give @a piston 64 0活塞 /give @a piston_ 64 0活塞臂 /give @a wool 64 0羊毛 /give @a piston_extension 64 0移动的活塞臂 /give @a yellow_flower 64 0蒲公英 /give @a red_flower 64 0玫瑰 /give @a brown_mushroom 64 0棕色蘑菇 /give @a red_mushroom 64 0红色蘑菇 /give @a gold...
(20是玩家的最大生命值) 接着使用/give @s command_block获取命令方块,在第一个命令方块里输入/execute store result bossbar 随便 value run data entity get 你的名字 Health,命令方块调成循环,保持开启 然后在第二个命令方块里输入/bossbar set 随便 players @a,也设成循环,保持开启, 接着你就会发现屏幕...
The entire setup is staggering, even the truly massive map you play on is impressive to take in, so give it a try if you've any inkling at all you'd enjoy a more RPG focused approach. IP Address: play.wynncraft.com Gamemodes: MMO-style RPG. Microtransactions?: Yes Best Skyblock ...
"fade" will cause a full-screen fade, like what players see when sleeping in a bed. The "set" Option The "set" option for the camera command will cause the selected players to view the game through the specified Camera Preset. Until they disconnect from the game or a camera command ...
Farmer villagers now always give away food even if other villagers do not need it. pre2 Panicked villagers now have to work and sleep, so they cannot be in a state of panic all the time. The "last slept" and "last worked" properties for villagers are now saved properly. 1.14.4pre...
我的世界基础指令(essential)指令&权限大全-Minecraft指令 以下为Essentials插件所有指令以及权限节点 使用Ctrl+F可以快速查找 使用Ctrl+D可以收藏本页方便下次使用哦! 权限使用方法(以最常见的GroupManager插件为例): /manuaddp 玩家id 具体权限 #给玩家权限
137 command_block 575 command_block_minecart 534 comparator 395 compass -213 composter 609 compound 749 concrete 750 concrete_powder -157 conduit 274 cooked_beef 276 cooked_chicken 268 cooked_cod 563 cooked_mutton 263 cooked_porkchop 289 cooked_rabbit 269 cooked_salmon 271...
You need to have operator status to be able to edit cheats and game rule settings in a server. Only an admin or another operator can give you operator permissions. Larger servers are very particular about giving operator statuses out, as it can easily be abused and ruin the fun of other...
/give @a piston 64 0活塞 /give @a piston_ 64 0活塞臂 /give @a wool 64 0羊毛 /give @a piston_extension 64 0移动的活塞臂 /give @a yellow_flower 64 0蒲公英 /give @a red_flower 64 0玫瑰 /give @a brown_mushroom 64 0棕色蘑菇 /give @a red_mushroom 64 0红色蘑菇 /give @a gold...