Several Minecraft servers suit you according to the type you’re most comfortable with. Some servers are super strict, while some servers are anarchy servers. There are more specific classifications of servers, as you will see in the next section. The aim is to eventually reach the end after ...
As this plugin has turned into more than just a challenge plugin I am introducing a pro version that has more customization and optimization for bigger servers and of course more content as a bonus. The development will still continue for the free version but at a slower rate and eventually,...
I love everything that you created, it's not that laggy and runs smoothly, hoping there's more maps and different games on the future. I am amazed from everything you've created. Wishing for a Left 4 Dead replica. 🧡 1 1 _Sky_ January 05, 2025 at 6:34 am Excellent map. ...
After turn on these 3 functions, you cantransport to any players in your world, and you can alsoteleport to the positions you record. If your world is laggy, you can turn on the entity cleanup. This addon took REALLY a long time to make, there are so many things in this addon that...
But ya know what, you actually made this work, I decided to test out a smallish Add-on just test how this might go and I was pleasantly surprised to find it worked fine, a bit laggy at first but that was to be expected I suppose, I also like the fact that it copies onto Minecr...
Afterwards, when I had downloaded it once, Minecraft got extremely laggy and basically unplayable. I transferred the addon file to Minecraft itself, which I have done many times to troubleshoot and it works, but this app didn’t even let me! It doesn’t add it to Minecraft and doesn’t...
time it joins will be very very slow. You may have to try several times as the server generates the starting area. Eventually you’ll get in and be able to move around. You’re able to break blocks but there’s definitely a delay when you break blocks and things are pretty laggy. ...
The Better PvP Mod purports to help users become better in player versus player situations, just by having it installed. Immediately, you might think this
Escape to a world where nothing makes sense, where reality gets flipped upside down on you every second! But be careful, there's someone else lurking in the shadows who want's to ruin your fun! But don't let that stop you! Let you Imagination run wild! Because in Dreamworld, there is...
Sentry Gun(In all the arenas are special places called "SentryGunStands" where you can place them on, when an enemy gets to close to it, it will start to fire lots of bullets to him) Medkit(An Instant Health II potion) HealCircle(You can place this item on the ground and it create...