Please head over to theissue trackerif you found a bug in the mod so it gets fixed. Can I use Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) in my modpack? You are free to include this mod in any modpack without my explicit permission. I would like to hear about it, just out of curiosity....
窗口化全屏Fullscreen Windowed (Borderless) for Minecraft 窗口化全屏是一个简单的模组,使你的Minecraft以全屏无边框窗口化模式启动游戏,代替引起诸多不便的普通全屏模式。 无边框窗口好处多多。包括: 轻敲ESC 键即可切换到其他显示器; ALT+TAB不受阻; 挂机时,大可以让Minecraft为你的其它工作窗口充当背景 下载地址提取...
无边框窗口(Borderless Window)Mod 顾名思义,让Minecraft新增一种无边框窗口的全屏模式(可能还有点小BUG)(默认按下F7切换)。 写这个Mod的目的主要是为了游戏内能看见输入法,推荐去显卡设置里把垂直同步关了,不真·全屏帧率不稳……需要注意的是:本MOD只支持64位的Windows操作系统。 此外,可能会因为缺运行库而导致...
Borderless Window This Forge mod replaces the standard Minecraft fullscreen mode with a custom borderless fullscreen. This is especially useful when using multiple monitors to switch to another program on a different monitor. The default behavior of the Minecraft fullscreen would minimize the game on...
Tried it and still happens but i found out when i go Borderless Fullscreen Mode my fps goes normal so it might be about focusing to game or game mode whatever something like that Edit:Now it crasher randomly instead of and in crash log it says# There is insufficient memory for the Java...
"foamfix-optimization-mod", "fps-reducer", "free-cam", "ftb-backups-2", "fullscreen-windowed-borderless-for-minecraft", "hwyla", "ignitioncoil", "inmisaddon", "irisshaders", "iris-flywheel-compat", "itemphysic-lite", "irisshaders", "item-obliterator", "itemphysic-lite", "itemzoom",...
v4 (new): In the Clear & borderless glass section, now the the glass and glass pane are really clear. Earlier i kept the glass and glass pane just borderless so that they don't completely disappear. but the now though the glass and glass pane are clear and borderless here, I have mad...
Tried it and still happens but i found out when i go Borderless Fullscreen Mode my fps goes normal so it might be about focusing to game or game mode whatever something like that Edit:Now it crasher randomly instead of and in crash log it says# There is insufficient memory for the Java...
Support setting window mode, such as fullscreen borderless, windowed borderless; Undo/Redo and Unicode word iterator for all text fields; GUI screen background fade-in animation and 2-pass gaussian convolution blur effect, configurable background gradient color; ...