方法二(mods文件夹法)针对可以依附ModLoader或Forge等API运行的一些优先级不高的Mod,如Rei's minimap、Inventory Tweaks...等(其实大多采用方法2的Mod也可以用方法1安装,但由于潜在的文件冲突危险,建议你不要这么舍近求远)。1.请确保你已经安装了该Mod所必需的对应API。大多数API的安装方法(除非特别注明)为方法一...
The installer will attempt to install Forge into your vanilla launcher environment, where you can then create a new profile using that version and play the game! For support and questions, visit the Support Forum or the Forge Discord server. Creating Mods See the "Getting Started" section in ...
To do that open up the the Minecraft Launcher, choose Installations and you should see the Minecraft Forge option you downloaded and installed. Select it to start playing. You'll be taken to a page with a button that says 'Open Mods Folder'. This will open up the folder where you place...
不同加载器能运行的模组不同,其中,NeoForge兼容大部分Forge模组,Quilt兼容大部分Fabric模组,Forge/NeoForge与Fabric/Quilt互不兼容。 注意:即使部分模组加载器之间的模组可以互相兼容,但这并不意味着完全兼容,在出现问题时请使用正确的加载器 安装方法 在作者没有额外声明的情况下,你只需要将模组放入游戏目录/mods文件...
3.Open Minecraft, click the ‘Mods’ button on the main menu, then click ‘Open Mods Folder’. Important:Some older versions of Forge may not have the ‘Open Mods Folder’ button. If that is the case, you need to find the folder manually. ...
48、NeoForge官网:https://neoforged.net 49、Optifine官网:https://www.optifine.net 50、Fabric官网:https://fabricmc.net 51、Quilt官网:https://quiltmc.org 52、Iris Shaders官网:https://irisshaders.dev 53、LiteLoader官网:http://www.liteloader.com ...
Hover over your Forge installation, then press theOpen Foldericon to the right. In the new window, locate or create themodsfolder, then enter it. Paste the mod .jar file(s) from earlier into this location. Once done, return to the MC launcher and pressPlay. ...
MOD也是对应版本的,比如你VRmod安装的是1.12.2版本,那么forge也是要下载1.12.2版本我们将下载好的 Minecraft Forge - MC 1.12.2文件复制到minecraft安装目录里并运行安装:这个时候我们到.minecraft文件目录就能看到mods文件.minecraft目录位置在:C:\Users\cy456\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft 这里,cy456是我电脑名称,...
Minecraft安装了forge,文件夹里和游戏里都有mods选项,但却没有shaderpacks文件夹,设置里也没有?2018年12月13日,一则名为“Hytale”的预告片亮相YouTube。封面的像素小人本身就让人联想到了Minecraft,而点开视频之后,几个闪亮的“Hypixel Studios”字样更是让无数Minecraft粉丝瞬间炸开了锅。一个月...