Force- You receive a task and are forced to finish it to proceed Multiplayer- Needs 2 or more players. Perfect for a little party! Currently requires full access Rocket Mode▪ Sneak to fly up. But be aware! Flying with a rocket is hard... And hold an eye on your heat ...
By default, MCAuthenticator does not force a player to re-authenticate if they rejoin from the last IP they were authenticated from. This can be disabled by setting forceSameIPAuthentication to true. When set to true, the plugin force the user to re-authenticate through 2FA each and every ...
<target> targets must accept resource packs at the first time you can also force players to use the resource pack by adding true at the end of the command. e.g. /ws texturepack "rp/test" @a true technical information & setup mweb is completely customizable and adapt to your needs. to...
/save-all: Force the server to save all player data and the current world. /stop: Stop the server safely. /gamerule [rule] [value]: Change specific game rules, such as disabling fire spread. /difficulty [level]: Change the server’s difficulty level (e.g., peaceful, easy, normal, ha...
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; `[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =`[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072;` iex (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('') ...
Add creaking to the by default enabled mob types. Commands: Add command Permissions:shopkeeper.teleport(default:op) andshopkeeper.teleport.othersop force Commands: Improve the handling of ambiguous player names, shopkeeper names, and targeted shopkeepers. ...
force-gamemode This determines whether the player should always be set to the standard game mode as described above when entering the server. Regardless of which game mode the server was left with, the standard game mode is always set. ...
依照原文,采用CC BY-NC 3.0 中国大陆协议授权 前言 之所以想写这一篇一条龙教程,实在是因为国人开服,功利心很重,不需要过程,只需要结果。有的人开服,喜欢网上抓一个整合包就开起来,自己不会改,但是只要能得到「结果」就好了。在这个大环境下,国内服务器圈弥漫着一股粗制滥造和模板化的问题。而真正想从零开...
Set FORCE_WORLD_COPY=TRUE to force overwrite the world on every server start. Downloadable mod/plugin pack for Forge, Bukkit, and Spigot Servers Like the WORLD option above, you can specify the URL of a "mod pack" to download and install into mods for Forge or plugins for Bukkit/Spigot...