Minecraft for Windows Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Scale cr...
Minecraft for Windows Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Scale cr...
- 跨平台玩游戏,最多支持八位玩家,通过 Windows、PlayStation、Nintendo、Xbox 和移动设备共同进行游戏。Windows 版《我的世界》还支持 Windows Mixed Reality 和 Oculus Rift 并且支持所有功能。 - 斜杠指令:调整游戏玩法,您可以送出物品、召唤生物、改变时间,等等。 - 发现社区中的皮肤、材质和混搭包!详情请访问:...
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CHOOSE EDITION Minecraft for Windows Starter Collection EVERYONE 10+ Fantasy Violence Users Interact, In-Game Purchases +Offers in-app purchases. In this bundle $5.99 Description Create anything you can imagine. Explore randomly generated worlds. Survive dangerous mobs at night. This collection includes...
You can find info that's specific to this game by going to the title's product detail page in the Microsoft Store: Minecraft For Minecraft for Windows forums and community support, visit the Minecraft Help Centre or the Xbox forums: Minecraft Help Centre Xbox forums Troubleshooting Expand ...
此应用程序供学校和组织使用。 《我的世界:教育版》是一个基于游戏的平台,通过玩游戏激发创造性和包容性的学习。探索方块世界,解锁解决任何学科或挑战的新方法。 通过为各类学习者设计的课程和标准化课程,深入了解阅读、数学、历史和编程等科目。或者在充满创意
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You can find info that's specific to this game by going to the title's product detail page in the Microsoft Store: Minecraft For Minecraft for Windows forums and community support, visit the Minecraft Help Centre or the Xbox forums: Minecraft Help Centre Xbox forums Troubleshooting Expand ...
You can get the freeMinecraft Downloadfor PC/Mac here, Minecraft: Windows 10 Edition Beta on the Microsoft Online Store and Minecraft: Xbox One Edition and Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition on the XBLA Marketplace and Minecraft: Playstation 4 Edition, Minecraft: Playstation 3 Edition and Minecraft: ...