开源地址:https://github.com/wuewuewuewuewue/Minecraft_TastyFood_1.18.2_Forge MOD下载地址:https://share.weiyun.com/1OlLiGcu 推荐MOD开发教学视频:youtube@TKaupenjoe 环境搭建:https:www.mcbbs.net/thread-1372119-1-1.html ForgeAPI文档:https://nekoyue.github.io/ForgeJavaDocs-NG/javadoc/1.18.2...
Mod LoadersView all Forge Fabric Categories MCreator Food Main File 1.20.1 Realistic Food v.1.3.0 for Fabric 1.20.1 ReleaseR 1.20.1 Fabric Oct 3, 2023 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.20 Realistic Food v.1.3.0 for Fabric 1.20.1 ReleaseR 1.20.1 Fabric Oct 3, 2023 Minecraft 1.19 Realistic...
What is that funky smell in my backpack? Food spoils over time unless preserved. Configure any item to rot, any container to preserve items.
合成配方在MOD_ID /recipes中添加就好,烧炼用GameRegistry.addSmelting注册,燃料用FurnaceFuelBurnTimeEvent事件参数触发,再用setBurnTime设置燃烧时间 食物直接继承自ItemFood类 当前参考: 1.8.9 https://fmltutor.ustc-zzzz.net 1.12.2 https://www.cnblogs.com/moonfan/ ...
Simple Farming adds a bunch of new crops and recipes to add to Minecraft’s food options. You can plant new fruit trees like apple, mango, orange, and pear. These will make for perfect ingredients to add in the new cake and pie recipes as well as many more. Pies are pretty simple to...
FoodExpansion 翻译提交 29ebee1 boring-cyborgbotadded1.20.xMinecraft 版本标签Forge包含 Forge 模组labelsAug 10, 2023 Copy link boring-cyborgbotcommentedAug 10, 2023 你已成功发送你在 CFPA 仓库的第一个 Pull Request!请再次检查以下事项: 标题是否正确丨翻译文件的路径是否正确丨检查单是否勾选了前三项。
原帖:http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1144076-151-lots-of-food-60-000-dowloads/ 安装方法与需求:Forge API (安装Forge后放入mods文件夹)个人感觉关于食物的mod太多了= = 昨天进了个服务器感觉这个mod还可以就参考1.4.6版本的汉化了(总感觉抢了人家的工作= =!)详细介绍可以看mcbbs的http://www.mc...
Eat the Eggs is a mod that adds new egg recipes to Minecraft. The egg recipes give you a bit of variety in your food selection but they also add a slight boost to your hunger filling. You can make simple fried eggs by smelting an egg in a furnace: ...
Minecraft Forge, free and safe download. Minecraft Forge latest version: Free mod server for Minecraft. Minecraft Forge is a game utility application
野营(The Camping Mod) 共22票占78.57% 简单分类(Refined Relocation) 共7票占38.89% 达芬奇之舟/达芬奇的船(Davincis Vessels) 共16票占72.73% 稳定排行 星际之门(LanteaCraft) 共11票占50.00% [Forge] Minecraft Forge 共11票占33.33% 玩家API(Player API) 共12票占46.15% Wanion Lib 共5票占38...