这个flying is not enabled on this server原本是禁止玩家开挂飞行的
- 服务器ip地址出现错误,可能是输入错误,抑或是服务器端口设置、端口转发、内网穿透(请检查隧道是否畅通)、DNS解析等部分出错。 **Flying is not enabled on this server** - 服务器开启了禁止飞行(即server.properties中的allow-flight=false),请联系服务器管理员解决。 **server is closing** - 字面意思,可能...
MC-100195 - Player retains 1-block hitbox if entering a minecart/boat while swimming or when flying with elytra or a riptide trident MC-100195 - 玩家因游泳/用鞘翅或三叉戟飞行变成的1个方块的碰撞箱不会在进入矿车/船时还原 MC-114544 - Kicked by “Flying is not enabled on this server” while...
content-log-console-output-enabled - 启用或禁用日志的输出,默认值为 infoCommands命令 Has item command selector now correctly detects whether or not an actor has a filled Map or Firework Star in their inventory has item 命令选择器现在可以正确检测活动对象的物品栏中是否有已创建的地图或烟火之星 The...
求助,战争世界中提示..提示的是"Flying is not enabled on this server"我的用户名是Together. 昨天听人说感叹号可以喊话,输入后断线很多次,提示的是什么记不清楚了(经常断线是
157 Internet enabled!互联网已启用! 此标语添加于多人游戏生存服务器测试开始时。 Alpha v1.0.13 0.7.3 158 Autonomous!独立自主! Alpha v1.0.13 0.7.3 159 Engage!开战! 引自《星际迷航》中的舰长让-吕克·皮卡尔的命令,意为执行先前已布置的命令。 Alpha v1.0.13 0.7.3 ...
Spiders and Cave Spiders will run away from Armadillos that are not in a rolled up state 蜘蛛及洞穴蜘蛛会主动远离未处于蜷缩状态的犰狳 ARMADILLO SCUTES 犰狳鳞甲 Armadillo Scutes are dropped by Armadillos periodically or when an Armadillo is brushed ...
This function can throw errors. Throws if the provided time of day is not within the valid range. stopMusic stopMusic(): void Stops any music tracks from playing. Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. 意見反應 此頁面對您有幫助嗎? YesNo...
Causes the simulated player to use an item. Does not consume the item. Returns false if the item is on cooldown. Parameters itemStack:@minecraft/server.ItemStack Item to use. Returnsboolean Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. ...
Enable or disable an input permission. When enabled the input will work, when disabled will not work. Parameters permissionCategory:InputPermissionCategory isEnabled:boolean Notes: This function can't be called in read-only mode. This function can throw errors. ...