Usage: First spawn the Floating Text Entity by using command /summon floating:text or using the spawn egg called “floating text” that can be found on Creative Inventory. Second, use a nametag to name it whatever you want then use a wooden_axe and long press/right click on it to make...
Assuming you downloaded the pack properly, in order to use a floating text, you will need these items: A nametag, a spawnable (aka a floating name), and creative mode. In order to spawn one of these floating texts, type in this command: "/summon Minecraft: player" or, something simila...
加载提示(Loading Tips)是基岩版和原主机版在加载世界时显示的一段提示语。 以下是当前使用的部分加载提示。 以下是在水域更新的基础上添加的加载提示。 以下是首批加入的加载提示,只应用于水域更新之前的版本。 以下是玩家使用基岩版Beta时,代替常规提示出现的加载提示
floatMust be a floating point number. fullintegerrange intA 32-bit `integer`. jsonA JSON object. messageA plain text `string` that can include spaces and target selects, which are formatted into the entities names. operatorAn `operator` for scoreboard. See more in theScoreboard documentation....
Spectators cannot be seen by mobs or other players except other spectators除了其他旁观模式的玩家,其他生物或者玩家都看不到旁观者Spectators appear as a transparent floating head (to those who can see them). The body, arms, legs, armor and held items are not rendered.旁观模式的玩家显示为一个透明...
float Must be a floating point number. fullintegerrange int A 32-bit `integer`. json A JSON object. message A plain text `string` that can include spaces and target selects, which are formatted into the entities names. operator An `operator` for scoreboard. See more in the Scoreboard ...
Spectators appear as a transparent floating head (to those who can see them). The body, arms, legs, armor and held items are not rendered. 旁观模式的玩家显示为一个透明的头(对于那些能够看到他们的人来说)。身体、胳膊、腿、盔甲和持有的物品都不会渲染 ...
MC-198805 - Floating pixel in the tailfin of a guardian/elder guardian MC-198805 - (远古)守卫者的鳍部会出现浮动的像素 MC-202760 - Area effect cloud does not enforce a maximum radius MC-202760 - 药水云没有强制限制最大半径 MC-203554 - block.amethyst_block.chime has no subtitle MC-203554...
Fixed a bug where Text-to-speech read the wrong text when displaying toasts 修复了文字转语音功能会阅读错误文字的问题。 Commands命令 Fixed issue where /structure delete command is listed in the middle of both /structure load commands (MCPE-114022) ...
[Bug MC-107601] - /enchant command doesn’t allow to put “Curse of Binding” on skulls or pumpkins /enchant指令不让把绑定诅咒加在头颅或南瓜上 [Bug MC-107623] - Observer Instant wire 观察者瞬间激活 [Bug MC-107631] - Smooth Andesite in Woodland Mansion is sometimes replaced by default wor...