Seed: 121825627925 | Version: 1.20 Never has a single location been in more dire need of a dark floating castle. Where once a quirk of world generation had placed a sinkhole, there's now just a lush taiga and dark forest ringing a vast lake with an obsidian bottom. If you like worlds...
This seed spawns you in a tropical jungle with a nearby floating village in the middle of the ocean. It’s one of the most exciting Minecraft PE seeds to start your journey since there’s an ongoing fight between the villagers and some pillagers. If you take a short swim, you’ll find...
Seed:-4774865174370857014 Version:Bedrock While sailing across the sea aboard a merchant's vessel, you were attacked and the ship went down. Initially, you feel that you are alone in a strange land. Luckily, the merchants aboard the ship also survived and have begun constructing a new base of...
Seed:-5751249260283737666 I've seen a lot of mashed structures, but a shipwreck stuck in a Woodland Mansion is new to me! This ship crashed into the corner of the Mansion before sinking to the bottom of the inlet. If you want to find its chests, you'll need to dig up part of the ...
Floating Desert Village Screenshot by Gameskinny Seed:8792423146228353658 Version:Java Spawn:3, 3 Biomes:Various Spawn within a floating Desert Village bridging the gap between a Desert and a small Savanna. Traveling northwest will lead you to snowy biomes while the south leads you to Desert and ...
3. Once the dragon is dead, you need to search forEnd gateway portals. They are small floating structures made of Bedrock with a small portal in the middle. 4. Go near one of these gateways andthrow an Ender pearl into the small portal. It’s too small to directly walk into, so you...
Seeing as Minecraft ship builds are more popular than ever, we thought we would highlight one of the most iconic vessels to ever sail the open seas. While you’ll find there are many mega builds of the Titanic online, we’ve chosen to showcase this one for its close attention to detail...
Ship Wreck:12 55 353 Underwater Ruins:35 51 439 13. Tons of Biomes & Easy Diamond (Bedrock – 1.14.6) Credit:EliWRN–Seed:10292992 Key Locations 9 Diamonds in Ravine:1225 11 27 6 Diamonds in Ravine (Lava hazard):1246 14 44
1.915w33c A hopper now generates as a part of the end ship in the end cities. 15w41a End ships no longer contain a hopper. 15w43a Loot tables have been added; hoppers can now use loot tables. 15w43c The UV on the hopper model has changed, resulting in minor differences, particularly ...
Here are 30 things to build in Minecraft for when you need some inspiration. Filled with cool Minecraft build ideas for both Survival mode and Creative mode!