minecraft:pumpkin_pie 南瓜派 minecraft:fireworks 烟花火箭 minecraft:firework_charge 烟火之星 minecraft:enchanted_book 附魔书 minecraft:comparator 红石比较器 minecraft:netherbrick 地狱砖 minecraft:quartz 下界石英 minecraft:tnt_minecart TNT矿车 minecraft:hopper_minecart 漏斗矿车 minecraft:prismarine_shard 海晶碎片...
execute at @a[sort=nearest,limit=1,nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:redstone",tag:{Tags:["1"]}}}] if entity @p run summon minecraft:firework_rocket ^ ^1 ^1 {LifeTime:9,FireworksItem:{id:"minecraft:diamond",Count:1b}} execute at @p[nbt={Inventory:[{Slot:-106b,id:"minecraft:r...
Edit Information icon.svg 此特性为Java版独有。在13w36a快照之后,NBT标签(亦称数据标签)可以在/give...
15 - fire.ingnite [打火石打火的声音] 16 - fireworks.blast_far [烟花爆炸的声音] 17 - fireworks.blast1 [烟花爆炸的声音] 18 - fireworks.largeBlast_far [大型烟花炸的声音] 19 - fireworks.largeBlast [大型烟花爆炸的声音] 20 - fireworks.launch [烟花发射的声音] 23 - liquid.lava [岩浆的声音]...
Fireworks balls are simple to make, simply add gunpowder and dyes to create fireworks with different colors and effects. You can use multiple fireworks balls in a single rocket for different, longer effects, as shown below: You can create multiple color effects within one ball, or add multiple...
Wolves now have double the amount of health than they used to 狼现在拥有了两倍于以前的生命值 Ex...
Firework Rocket(minecraft:fireworks) 402 Firework Star(minecraft:firework_charge) 403 Enchanted Book(minecraft:enchanted_book) 404 Redstone Comparator(minecraft:comparator) 405 Nether Brick(minecraft:netherbrick) 406 Nether Quartz(minecraft:quartz) 407 Minecart with TNT(minecraft:tnt_minecart) 408 Minecart...
SET_FIREWORKS SET_FIREWORKS Fields explosions and mode have been grouped together as a sub-object 字段explosions及 mode 现在被组合为一个子对象 { "explosions": <list>, "mode": <mode>, <mode-dependent fields>} becomes {"explosions": {"values": <list>, "mode": <mode>, <mode-dependent ...
: number) => void, targetLocation: DimensionLocation ) { const fireworkRocket = targetLocation.dimension.spawnEntity(MinecraftEntityTypes.FireworksRocket, targetLocation); system.runTimeout(() => { const velocity = fireworkRocket.getVelocity(); log("Velocity of firework is: (x: " + velocity.x...
匹配fireworks 组件 Fields: 域: explosions - optional collection matcher for firework_explosion predicates explosions - 可选的集合匹配器匹配 firework_explosion 谓词 flight_duration - optional integer range check for flight duration flight_duration - 可选的 int 检查飞行时间 ...